Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 477 Brother Xiao Ma's Phone

Qi Xiaotian pointed to the direction of the asteroid and said:

"Of course I know what happened last night."

When Fang Chenyi heard Qi Xiaotian say this, he immediately became interested, just because he didn't know what happened last night.

Maybe Xiaotian didn’t know if they saw it, so they asked:

"What happened last night? I entered a cave. I didn't know what happened outside, but when I came out, I found out there was an extra volcano..."

Qi Xiaotian originally wondered why Fang Chenyi didn't know, but when the other party said that he had entered the cave, he was relieved there, so he explained to Fang Chenyi.

With just this explanation, Fang Chenyi suddenly smiled bitterly.

There is no other reason. It turns out that this volcano was caused by itself.

Originally, the magma pit that smashed into the ground was still very stable, and some magma burst out from time to time, and it was completely impossible to form a volcano.

But after Fang Chenyi entered it, he first placed the rune stone in the disc on the meteorite, which immediately caused a violent fluctuation.

This also caused the first large amount of magma to gush out, forming a slight uplift.

The second time, this was because when Fang Chenyi turned the asteroid to check, a larger amount of magma spewed out from the ground, directly accumulating a volcano tens of meters high.

This was not over yet. In the following time, Fang Chenyi pulled out the asteroid and turned it over again in order to prevent others from discovering the secret of the disc.

All of a sudden, a large amount of magma under the ground gushed out at once, and it spewed out more than the first time, which formed the current situation.

To put it bluntly, the actors of all this are Fang Chenyi himself.

But this is also good, with the existence of a volcano, it is equivalent to having a remarkable landmark.

Even when you want to come here again, it is much easier to find.

And one more thing, with the existence of this volcano, it was avoided that the lava pit would be covered by the quicksand here.

I just don't know if the magma inside will cool and solidify, if it keeps rolling like this, it's okay.If the cooling solidifies, then next time you find the rune stone and come back, it will not be so simple to find that asteroid.

Of course, none of this can be controlled by Fang Chenyi. What he has to do now is to go back as soon as possible to find the remaining rune stones.

Everyone here was tidying up quickly. It took less than five minutes to dismantle the entire camp and successfully installed it on the car.

And because the warrior was already big, there was one less car, and it didn't appear to be crowded.

Turning the front of the car, drove quickly toward the outskirts of the Taklimakan Desert.

Maybe it was a long time in the center.Everyone now feels that the weather becomes unusually cool every time they drive a distance.

As time passed by, there were many oncoming vehicles on the road. It is certain that the destination of these people is the location of the asteroid.

However, Fang Chenyi did not worry about anything now.After all, the asteroid is still very safe if it is hidden in the crater.

In the evening, the convoy successfully stopped in the small town.

Fang Chen didn't break his promise, and asked someone to take a purse from the carriage and take it out.The 30 red banknotes were handed directly to the youth.

The young man looked at the 30 falling bills, his eyes were filled with small stars.Hastily bowed to Fang Chenyi and thanked him.

When the youth wanted to leave, Fang Chenyi stopped him.This made the young man's heart squeak.

How?Is the other party trying to do it on himself?Before he finished his cranky thinking, Fang Chenyi spoke:

"This time you went out with us. Four days, right? We talked about it before, 1,000 per day, here. This is 4,000 yuan."

When the young man heard this, his holding heart finally let go.But I have already taken 300,000 yuan, and I feel a little embarrassed to take the 4000 yuan.

So he hurriedly waved his hands and said no, but Fang Chenyi did pass the money directly to the other party, and said with a smile, this is the reward you should get.

After throwing the youth into the town, the convoy did not stop at any point, but walked directly towards the nearest airport overnight.

With things done here, Fang Chenyi didn't want to stay here for a moment.

Not only him, Fang Chenyi can see that all crew members are like this.

Jingle Bell.

Just when the car just left the town.The phone in Fang Chenyi's pocket suddenly rang.

After taking it out, Fang Chenyi frowned in confusion.

Why did this guy think of calling me?

When I answered the phone, I heard a very hearty laughter over there:

"Haha, brother Fang, this phone call is really difficult for you. I have no fewer than ten calls to you here, and I finally got through."

Fang Chenyi knew after hearing this.After entering the Taklimakan Desert, there must be no signal from the mobile phone.Therefore, no one's call was heard.

Now that I left Taklimakan and came to the town, I received the signal.

So he smiled and said to each other:

"Haha, I'm in the mountains, and the signal is a bit bad. This isn't just coming out of the mountain, what's the matter with Brother Xiao Ma. Do you plan to sell your Penguin company to me?"

The one who called was not someone else, it was Brother Ma from the Penguin Group.

The two had met before, and Fang Chenyi also acquired Penguin Games.It's just that since that time, I haven't contacted him again. I don't know what the purpose of the other party calling me this time?

"Brother, don't make fun of your brother, your big business, how can you look down on my small group..."

Fang Chenyi laughed:

"Who said that, Penguin Group, I have been greedy for a long time. Brother Xiao Ma, just a word. As long as you are willing to sell, I will buy it immediately! After all, this is also the memory of our generation..."

After chatting for a few words, both of them laughed loudly, then Xiao Ma turned the topic on the right track and said:

"Haha, let's not laugh, brother, let me tell you something business. Brother, do you have time recently, I want to invite you to have a meal."

Nothing to offer courtesy, to steal or to commit.Indulge yourself in a meal, Fang Chenyi just thought with his butt, and knew that the other party must have a plan.

However, Fang Chenyi's impression of Xiao Ma is quite good.

Just as he just said, a generation of penguins bears so many memories of their post-90s generation.

Fang Chenyi still remembers that the first thing he does every time he goes to an Internet cafe is to open Penguin.The second thing is to help a bunch of friends hang up the Penguin...

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