One, two, three.

Soon more than 50 people received their password boxes.

However, no one opened it to look at it, all placed it at their feet.

After everyone had received it, Fang Chenyi looked at the box left at his feet and suddenly turned his gaze to the direction of the crew.

I saw that the expressions of the crew members were very calm at this time, but deep in their eyes were all unconcealed envy.

And seeing the boss look at people like himself, everyone's heart was stunned.I don't know what the boss is looking at.

Does the boss give bonuses to these people?But people like myself are different from them.The whole owner is waiting for the boss at the airport, and it can be said that there is no credit.The boss can't give bonuses to people like himself, right??

But thinking of the boss's magnanimity, everyone's hearts are a little uncertain.

If you can't say that the boss will really give some bonuses to people like yourself.

Of course, they don't think about getting a bonus of 1 million. After all, it is impossible.

If you really gave yourself 1 million, then it would be unfair to those who followed, and I'm afraid they will have ideas then.

How much will it be?Will you reward yourself with 100,000 each of these people??

Thinking of this number, many people start to get excited, and it is really possible that each person will be rewarded 100,000.

With everyone's anxiety, Fang Chenyi smiled and said:

"I said before that I would not treat any brother or sister under my hand. This time it was not easy for the crew to follow us. Although they did not participate in specific projects, everyone did well. Very good. Of course, everyone won’t give you 1 million rewards, but 500,000 per person.”

After speaking, he looked at Qi Xiaotian next to him and continued to speak:

"Divide them, two people a box."

Hearing Fang Chenyi's words, all the crew members were very excited, and one by one could not wait to shout long live the boss!

Of course, the pilot who was flying the plane did not know the news at this time.I believe that if they know, they will be excited too.

Although their salaries are very high, they are all calculated on the basis of flying hours. Take Fang Chenyi’s pilot for example, the flight price per hour is 20,000 yuan, and one flight mission can also earn more than 100,000 yuan. , But after all wages are wages, this is just an additional bonus not.

Not only the crew, but after hearing Fang Chenyi's words, the subordinates behind him also had no opinion.

If Fang Chenyi really gave the crew 1 million per person, although they would not say anything, they would inevitably have a little bit of grudge in their heart.After all, these people are working hard, but the other party is just waiting.

Soon, everyone received their share, everyone was smiling, and Fang Chenyi sat down in his seat with satisfaction, wanting to sleep again for a while.

But at this time, Fang Chenyi, who had just closed his eyes, did feel that someone had pulled him back.

Fang Chenyi couldn't help but was taken aback, who actually pulled himself a bit?

Opening his eyes with some doubts, a huge face appeared in front of him.

The grinning mouth is still covered with oil stains, this guy is not someone else, it is the King Kong next to him.

Fang Chenyi pulled this guy's head aside with a bit of speechlessness, and asked in an angry tone:

"What is your kid doing?"

Who knows that King Kong is more temperamental than Fang Chenyi, and after hearing Fang Chenyi's question, he suddenly yelled.

While calling out, he pointed to a password box beside his hands and feet, and pointed at himself after he finished pointing.

Fang Chenyi immediately understood that the sentiment guy saw that he had sent a box to everyone, but he didn't send it to him. He wanted it too...

"Go, go, what's the use of asking for money? You don't know how to spend it."

But King Kong kept pointing at the box regardless of what Fang Chenyi said.

It was like saying, if you don't give it to me, today will not be over.

This action immediately made everyone in the plane laugh.

Seeing that this guy must be stalking, there is no way, Fang Chenyi can only wink at the little angel with a wry smile.

Qi Xiaotian suddenly understood, got up and walked inside the room, and after a while he came out with a suitcase, and then handed it to King Kong.

As soon as King Kong saw it, he grinned and grinned. He stopped pestering Fang Chenyi. He grabbed the box in Xiaotian's hand and hugged him in his arms. Then he sat down on the chair next to him. Continue to eat the roast chicken leisurely.

Fang Chenyi saw a burst of laughter, shook his head and asked Qi Xiaotian quietly:

"What's in it?"

Qi Xiaotian also smiled, lowered his voice and said:

"Hey. There are good things in it. I specially asked for chocolates from the stewardess."

The two looked at each other and laughed, but the laughter spread to King Kong, which made King Kong put down the roast chicken in his hand. He glanced at the laughing two with some confusion, and then followed hahahaha. Laughed loudly..

With the existence of King Kong, the living treasure, this flight was not so boring.

Finally, at about 10:30 in the morning of the next day, the plane landed directly on the airport in the capital.

The people who had been waiting here saw the arrival of the plane, and immediately drove the car under the plane.

Such privileges made everyone around him look at him.I don't know what kind of big man is coming.

When I saw the three characters of Na Chenmeng on the plane, I realized that it was a private plane.

I came here without trouble, just to have a meal with Xiao Ma and see what this guy is looking for.

So he directly called the other party.

Hearing Fang Chenyi's arrival, Xiao Ma immediately said that he wanted to pick Fang Chenyi at the airport in person.

Fang Chenyi smiled and said no:

"You don't need to pick me up. I'm already out of the airport. But apart from my meeting, I'm not very familiar with Beijing. Or else, you pick the land, and I arrange it?"

When Xiao Ma heard Fang Chenyi's words, he immediately pretended to be unhappy and said:

"Brother, what are you talking about? Isn't this slap your brother in the face? I have arranged the place for you a long time ago. We can serve the food as soon as you come. Let's put your position Tell me, I will pick you up now."

"Don't don't, this time and time is not enough to toss you, you can just send me the location WeChat, and I can navigate by myself..."

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