Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 484 I really didn't show off on purpose. .

"Oh, my brother, you are really hidden. I didn't take it seriously at the beginning, but now after you think about it, although the changes are very subtle, they are just the finishing touch. ."

Now Xiao Ma is really convinced. Unexpectedly, Fang Chenyi has such a deep knowledge in the design level.

You know, when I designed this courtyard house, I invited a wave of top designers in the world to design it.

At the same time, researchers from the Palace Museum were invited.And those designers who renovated the Forbidden City at the beginning came to design for themselves!

However, now it seems that Fang Chenyi's level is definitely not below them, or even worse.

This had to make Brother Xiao Ma re-examine Fang Chenyi.

Young, rich and powerful, it seems that he is still so talented now.I just don't know how many bright spots I don't know about elsewhere.

After a while, several people walked into a spacious study room.

This time, Qi Xiaotian did not sit down with him, but insisted on standing at the door.

Seeing this, Fang Chenyi didn't avoid forcing him to come, but sat down in front of a large tea sea with Brother Xiao Ma:

"Haha, brother, I borrowed your light today. I managed to get some great red robes before this.

Although it is not produced on those mother trees, the quality is not much worse.

After all, the tea produced by those mother trees is extremely low, and it has not been sold for many years.I've said that I have drunk the Dahongpao from the mother tree once before, but that was also a long time ago, and I still can't forget it.

My Dahongpao is the closest in quality to the mother tree, and now it’s no longer on sale, and I’ve always been reluctant to drink it. Today, when you came, my brother was willing to take it out and follow it.What kind of man, are you coming or me?"

After the two of them were seated, Brother Xiao Ma carefully picked up a very delicate sandalwood box of tea sea foam, gently opened it, and immediately revealed a few tea leaves inside.

Looking at these tea leaves, Brother Xiao Ma was extremely precious, took it in front of him and sucked his nose with great enjoyment, and then gently pushed it in front of Fang Chenyi and asked such a sentence.

According to common sense, the host should make tea for the guests, but Xiao Ma knows that if Fang Chenyi is also a tea lover, seeing such good tea will definitely be itchy.

This is like a car lover who sees a super sports car and is definitely not reconciled to sitting in the co-pilot. He will definitely think about driving it by himself.

The same is true for people who like tea, just like Brother Xiao Ma. He is a person who likes tea very much. When he meets good tea, he really wants to learn it himself.

But now, he took out these tea leaves, but he spent a considerable price to get them.

After hearing what Xiao Ma said, Fang Chenyi waved his hand with a smile afterwards, with a calm expression on his face:

"Haha, forget it, no matter how good the tea leaves are in my hands, it's a waste. I don't know much about tea. I usually drink tea in a large porcelain jar and put some tea leaves in some boiling water. I can’t drink any good tea. Come on, I’m afraid I will ruin your good tea, brother."

Xiao Ma knew through observation that Fang Chenyi was not polite, and then smiled and brought the tea back to him again, and started a series of brewing processes.

After a while, Xiao Ma finally completed his series of procedures, and there was also a small cup of reddish brown tea in front of Fang Chenyi.

"Come and try my tea. Tea is a good tea, but my craftsmanship may not be very good. I have spoiled this tea, haha"

Although it says so, but Equation One can tell.This little Ma is very confident in his tea and his tea making skills.

It’s just that from Fang Chenyi’s point of view, it’s a waste of time. If you have this skill, you can just make a big cup with one person, grab the tea inside and soak it in boiling water.

Although he thought so in his heart, Fang Chenyi would definitely not say that. He smiled and picked up the teacup in front of him, poured a small cup of tea into his mouth, and swallowed his stomach with one gulp.

I didn't feel the difference between drinking tea like this and making a big cup myself.I don’t even feel that I have used a big cup to soak, drinking to quench my thirst.

Thinking like this, Fang Chenyi was taken aback.Ugh?tea?

It seems that I have received some special rewards for tea before, right?

After thinking about it this way, I really remembered that I had a special reward for giving me a lot of tea, but I can’t remember exactly how much it was and what kind of tea it was.

Thinking of this, Fang Chenyi directly reached into his arms and found out his leather bag with a woven bag.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to pull the zipper of the woven bag inside, and after searching for it, he took out a small packet of tea leaves.

At the same time, I did not forget to say:

"Hey, I remembered that you were drinking tea. It happened that I was still carrying a bag of tea. Someone gave it to me before. I don't know if it is good or bad. I haven't had time to drink it. Just right, brother. You should understand better. You can help me see what kind of tea it is. If it is ok, drink it today."

While talking, Fang Chenyi reached out and handed the yellow oil paper bag in front of Brother Xiao Ma.

After Xiao Ma saw this paper bag, he was speechless for a while, what kind of good tea leaves wrapped in paper are..

It's not that good tea doesn't use paper bags, but if it's really good tea, no one would go to hold the heavens like this.

It's just that this is the tea that Fang Chenyi brought out. He naturally can't say anything. Even if it's bad tea, he can't say it's bad. After all, he still wants to ask the other party to do something.

So he gently put down the tea cup in his hand, and then carefully reached out to take it, and said with a smile on his mouth:

"Haha, I really borrowed my brother your light today. How could it be worse than the tea my brother took out. After a while, I have to taste my tea, my brother, haha."

While speaking, Xiao Ma's hand also subconsciously opened the paper bag in his hand, but the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly.

A pair of eyes looking at the tea in front of him also lit up instantly, and his mouth could not help but exclaimed:

"Oh my god! Brother, you are..."

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