Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 486 Hundred Great Families in the World

Fang Chenyi's words almost made Brother Xiao Ma squirt out all the tea in his mouth.

expired?Good home fire, this imagination is too rich.

"Brother who doesn't know, generally this kind of tea is specially processed, and as long as we don't put it in a damp place when we store it, it will not deteriorate."

After talking about the tea for a few more words, Fang Chenyi interrupted first.This tea is just a small episode, there is no need to waste too much time on it, after all, it is better to go back and accompany your daughter-in-law if you have this time.

"Well, since you said everything, brother, and I am now a shareholder of the Penguin Group, then there is no way to refuse you.

I happened to be back there today, and if you have time, come with me to take a look at the scene.If there is something in the picture, I can leave it to you."

Listening to these words spoken by Fang Chenyi, Brother Xiao Ma was overjoyed and quickly said:

"Haha, that's great, okay, let's go together this afternoon. Oh, by the way, my brother, I heard that the nine buildings next to you are all the tallest buildings in the world, I don’t know you Which groups are they left for?"

Obviously, Xiao Ma also wanted to make those planetary buildings ideas.After all, today's Penguin Group is one of China's leading large groups. If it is really arranged in some small office buildings on the corners, it will really lose face. It is better than that.

And Xiao Ma's real purpose is actually any one of the nine planetary buildings.

However, he also knew that those buildings could not be handed over to him easily, so he continued to speak:

"Oh by the way, brother, the virtual reality game you mentioned last time when we met, I don't know if you have any ideas. If so, we can cooperate to establish a new company."

Xiao Ma's words were obviously intended to bring him closer to Fang Chenyi.

After Fang Chenyi heard what Xiao Ma said, he also remembered what he said last time.

I have been busy for a while, and I have forgotten about this matter. Now, after listening to Xiao Ma, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It’s just that he has had a lot of things recently, and he didn’t have the time or energy to do these things and he said to Brother Xiao Ma:

"Hey, there are too many things now, I don’t have the energy to do it, but I have always had this idea. This is also my dream since I was little. I am dreaming that one day I can wear this game helmet for a virtual reality To be honest, this is also the real purpose of my acquisition of Penguin Games."

Having said this, Fang Chenyi paused for a while, then he thought about it for a while and then said:

"Well, let this matter be done by Penguin Games. Anyway, we both have shares in it. Let them toss if we can succeed."

Little Ma was still a little lost when he heard that it was handed over to Penguin Games.After all, the biggest shareholder of several games today is Fang Chenyi, not him.

However, now that Fang Chenyi has said so, he has no reason to refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

After talking about the matters here, Fang Chenyi brought the topic directly to the business:

"By the way, I just asked you something, brother. I don't know how much you know about the world's top 100 families?"

That's right, this is Fang Chenyi's business.The reason why he promised Xiao Ma to come over for dinner, in fact, the real purpose is to ask this matter.

After all, what I have to do now is to find the fragmented rune stones, and the whereabouts of these rune stones are likely to be known by those big families.

According to Poseidon Robton at the time, this hidden family of China has the existence of the Ma family.

Although I don't know whether this horse family refers to a big horse or a pony, but if you want to ask the little horse, you will know it.

The little Ma on the opposite side was also taken aback when he heard Fang Chenyi's question, and then looked at Fang Chenyi with a hint of doubt.Somewhat uncertainly:

"Brother, where are you from?"

After asking this question, Xiao Ma also thought in his heart, maybe Fang Chenyi really belonged to a hidden family.

After all, it can develop to this point in just half a year, and only this explanation can be explained.

However, Fang Chenyi shook his hand after hearing this and said lightly:

"Hehe, I'm not a member of the Big Hundred Clan. If I really belong to the Big Hundred Clan, I won't have this question. How about it? It is convenient to disclose it?"

The answer of Fang Chenyi, Xiao Ma didn't know whether he should believe it, if it weren't a member of the Hundred Big Clan, why could he rise so quickly?Maybe, this guy has some unknown secrets.

But obviously, this is not something you can ask.

"The world's top 100 families, I don't know much about this. I only know that they are all ancient families with an orderly heritage.

Some are even descendants of legendary gods.It's just that this is just an external claim by their family, no one can confirm it.

Today, since my brother can ask me about this topic, it means that my brother should also have some understanding of my identity, so I will not hide anything.

Our family is among the top 100 families in the world.It's just that the ranking is really low. The current ranking should be around 90, and there is even a faint sign of being squeezed out of the top 100 families.."

Brother Xiao Ma was talking over there, while Fang Chenyi was holding a teacup in his hand while spinning it and listening quietly.

Fang Chenyi knew even more about the descendants of this god than Brother Xiao Ma. After all, Poseidon Robton claimed to be the descendant of Poseidon among the Western gods.

And seeing Fang Chenyi's seriousness, Xiao Ma's face also became serious.

"The matter must start from my ancestors. Once our Ma family was a well-known martial arts family in China. At the time, our ancestors and Zhu Yuanzhang smashed the Great Ming Dynasty together. It is said that the family is rich and powerful.

Of course, this is not the most brilliant time for our family. The most brilliant time was when my grandfather took over our family.

Under the leadership of my grandfather, our family is not only the top family in China, but even out of China, and can be ranked in the top 50 of the world's top 100 families!

But 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, when it was in the hands of my father, our once glorious family fell out of the top 100 families."

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