When Xiao Ma looked at the pair of security personnel who had left, he was shocked that he was not as good as Fang Chenyi's security personnel.

King Kong, who had originally embraced Qi Xiaotian, let go of him.Immediately, he looked at Brother Xiao Ma with some doubts.

When I saw him standing with his master.Suddenly he opened his big mouth and opened his arms and greeted him towards Xiao Ma. It was obvious that he wanted to give Xiao Ma a warm hug.

But this scene shocked Fang Chenyi. This guy was not serious or serious. It would be no good to hurt Xiao Ma. After all, Xiao Ma was now his own guest anyway.

So he stopped the movement of King Kong.

However, I don't know why Xiao Ma suddenly smiled, opened his arms, and greeted King Kong, and King Kong suddenly grinned.

Regardless of Fang Chenyi's obstruction, he hugged him towards Brother Xiao Ma.With a bang, Xiao Ma and King Kong gave a warm hug.

And at the next moment, Little Marco suddenly felt a suffocation in his body.The strength that was originally inexhaustible throughout the body, now it can't be used.

This caused him to buzz his head. It seemed that his strength was really far from the opponent.

The reason why he welcomes King Kong’s embrace is entirely because he wants to see how strong this gorilla is. He believes that even if the opponent is the peak warrior among the peak warriors, he can definitely bear it. Live each other's hug.

But I never expected that I almost killed myself.Fortunately, King Kong also knew that the depth did not play behind Xiao Ma like He Qi Xiaotian.

If not, just a few shots, I'm afraid I will have to shock Xiao Ma.

Fang Chenyi on the side saw the state of Xiao Ma, hugged him and quickly let King Kong let go. King Kong was also obedient, and his impression of Xiao Ma was very good.

After hearing Fang Chenyi's words, he gently let go of it, and at the same time grabbed Xiao Ma's hand, and pulled him towards the villa.

When Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian saw this, they also shook their heads helplessly, and followed the footsteps of an orangutan and walked into Villa One.

It’s just that King Kong’s footsteps are indeed much faster. When Fang Chenyi and Qi Xiaotian walked into the villa, they saw King Kong was holding a raw dumpling to be fed to Brother Xiao Ma, but Brother Xiao Ma had a face. Embarrassed expression.

At the same time, I heard Bo Menghan's helpless rebuke: "King Kong must not mess around...!"

I have to say that one thing drops one thing. Originally, the King Kong, who was not afraid of the sky, even Fang Chenyi dared to fight a fight, after hearing Meng Han’s reprimand, immediately stopped feeding the raw dumplings in his hand. Brother Xiao Ma, and at the same time, his head was drawn down, with a small expression of wronged Bala.

Big eyes rolled around twice, then he threw the raw dumplings in his hands into his mouth and chewed.

This scene could not help but make everyone laugh.

"Oh, it seems that it's really time for me to come back here, but I have a good fortune tonight."

After Fang Chenyi walked into the villa, he saw his mother, mother-in-law, and Bo Menghan making dumplings in the kitchen. Don't even say that he was really greedy. Mom and they made dumplings.

But after hearing his words, the mother who was making dumplings reprimanded with dissatisfaction:

"What to eat? How can you? You stinky boy, you still know that you are back. How many days have you not been home? You are not good. You ran out for a stroll. Look at the tiredness of our wife Menghan has a lot of things left alone, and you can do it at your own expense."

Fang Chenyi was so judged by his mother, he immediately looked at Bo Menghan next to him for help.

And also winked at Bo Menghan, meaning that you are helping the buddies with good things.

However, Bo Menghan smiled slightly schadenly, and didn't mean to speak.

But the mother-in-law beside her suddenly smiled and spoke:

"Hehe, it's no wonder Chen Yi, this child has been working hard enough outside all day. There are a few young people who can be like Chen Yi. Sit over there and stay with the guests."

I heard Bo Menghan's mother speaking for Fang Chenyi.Fang's mother didn't pay attention to this kid anymore, but turned to talk to her in-laws with a smile.

Turning his head and taking a look, he saw that Xiao Ma was sitting on the sofa with his father and chatting at this moment. It was obvious that they had known each other just now.

After seeing this scene, Fang Chenyi did not walk over, but walked to the kitchen with a hippie smile and wanted to reach out to help.

However, before his hand touched the face, his mother patted him:

"Go, go, I haven't washed my hands yet, what are you touching?"

After being slapped by his mother, Fang Chenyi also retracted his palm in a bit of a jealousy, and could only stand aside and watch the excitement with a smile.

And at this moment, suddenly a big black velvet hand stretched out quietly from the side to see that the target of the big hand was the dumpling that had just been wrapped and placed on the drawer.

There is no need to look back, Fang Chenyi also knows that there is no one else except King Kong.

I was slapped by my mother just now, and now I saw King Kong's hand stretched out, and suddenly slapped it on the back of King Kong's hand.

Under this shot, King Kong immediately withdrew his hand quickly, and at the same time screamed aggrievedly in his mouth.

Fang Chenyi turned his head and looked at King Kong with a wronged look on Bara's face and suddenly counted:

"Go go, see your claws buried, why are you touching here? Let's play with your Ergouzi!"

But before Fang Chenyi finished counting, his mother's dissatisfaction came again behind him:

"What are you arguing about, just your voice is loud. What are you doing at King Kong when it's okay? You know how to bully King Kong every day."

When King Kong heard his mother speak for him, he nodded his head suddenly. At the same time, tears flashed faintly in his big eyes. It looked like he had been abused by Fang Chenyi all the year round, so pitiful.

And seeing King Kong like this, Fang Chenyi was angry and funny.

Suddenly he lifted his foot and kicked King Kong's ass. Naturally, it was the mother's misfortune.

In the end, Chen Yi walked out of the kitchen in despair, and came to the living room to chat with Brother Xiao Ma and Dad.

Just as soon as I walked to the living room, I heard Dad's laughter, and at the same time, there was also Xiao Ma's compliment.

After 8 o'clock in the evening, after a lively meal of dumplings.Fang Chenyi took Bo Menghan back to his villa.

As for Brother Xiao Ma, it was naturally arranged in an unoccupied villa next to him.

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