Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 502 Experience the game helmet

The sound in this game helmet is okay, but the picture is really some shocking, did not expect that it is transmitted through the retina.

Fang Chenyi know that today's level of technology absolutely can not illuminate such a helmet to, and no such technology. Even the old rice, known as the most technologically advanced, but also not.

And after determining that the avatar is not transmitted through the retina, Fang Chen Yi began to continue to try up.

"How do I download the game? Can our games today support it?"

Fang Chenyi silently thought about this question in his mind, in his opinion, if it is really connected to his brain waves, then his thoughts, the game helmet should be able to read out the first time. At the same time one's own thoughts should also be the way to operate this game helmet.

Sure enough, as Fang Chenyi's idea fell, the picture in front of him also changed, filled with a row of striking text has disappeared, replaced by a light curtain-like thing. Not only that, the ear is also once again sounded the female voice.

"Hello master, I am your attentive little elf throne you can call me Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling is happy to carry out the service for the master."

That nice female voice said here after a slight pause, and then before Fang Chen Yi sigh the degree of intelligence of this helmet, before his eyes began to scroll up.

When he looked clearly, he found that there were rows of game icons in front of him.

And in it, Fang Chen Yi actually saw many familiar icons, which made him a little surprised.

These icons are today's games, including computer games and mobile games.

What does it mean when the helmet gives such a picture at this time? The first thing you need to do is to try out the games here.

Fang Chenyi's side of the mind just thought of such a question. The helmet's answer sounded again in his ears.

"This time a total of 9,120,000 usable games have been detected for the master, the master can download them and then experience the games."

Sure enough, I didn't expect this thing to be so advanced. And surprisingly, you can put all of your games today to play inside.

But I don't know what kind of experience it is to try it, is it like wearing VR glasses to play games? But this is a super helmet with 99% realism, it can't only have the function of a crow, right?

You know you used to read online game novels, that can be all immersive first perspective ah, as if they were in one class. But I wonder what kind of experience this game helmet I got will give me?

To say that this thing can give 99% of the degree of realism, Fang Chen Yi but with hesitation, after all, not like the novel, after putting on, even the pain can be experienced.

Fang Chenyi also did not have too much ink, directly swept his eyes over the small icons of the games given on the screen, there is just one thing that makes him very curious, I do not know if Penguin Games has now belonged to himself or what reason, he saw in the previous page are actually games belonging to Penguin Games.

The king's glory, stimulation battlefield, a row of penguin games has occupied the first panel.

This can't help but make Fang Chen Yi still very happy, after all, today's penguin games have belonged to themselves, the more you earn, the more you get.

The more you earn, the more you get. And at this time, Fang Chen Yi only wanted to verify the effect of the helmet as soon as possible, so he didn't think too much about it, and directly focused his consciousness on the first game and chose to confirm the installation. This is followed by the sound given in the helmet.

"Stimulation battlefield is loading, please wait for the master. Stimulation battlefield loading is complete master can enter the game at any time."

The voice in the game helmet has not stopped, just said loading, not waiting for two seconds has been loaded to complete a few G size of the game. It is enough to see that the speed of its download is really fast enough.

But the focus of Fang Chenyi's concern is not the speed of its download, but the content on it, hearing that you can enter the game at any time, Fang Chenyi could not help but feel a twitch in his heart, his mind also quickly want to enter the game.

And with this thought, the next moment Fang Chen Yi's eyes is a flash of white light, in the time to see, he was in a mountain peak.

Not far from his own side there is a broken transport airliner. Not only that, look down and see that his body is wearing a set of special combat equipment.

The third level of armor, the third level of the bag, the third level of the head, the hand also end a full match of M4 assault rifle.

This is not the end of the story, their own clothes have also changed radically.

At this moment, the look on their own body is simply a living copy of their own game screen look.

For this shape Fang Chen Yi still has some memories, this is the game account that he created when he played the game.

These are not particularly important, what makes Fang Chen Yi feel shocked is that at this moment he actually has a feeling of being there, as if he is really in this cliff above the general.

The M4 assault rifle in his hand, reaching out in some disbelief to touch it, there is a cold metal feeling into the palm of his hand, this feeling as if he was really holding a rifle in general.

This makes him a little dazed for a while, after reacting with some disbelief, he reached out and squeezed his thigh, but, the next moment he felt a pain in his leg!

"Holy shit. Is this 99% of the degree of anthropomorphism? This is too awesome!"

Feeling this real scene, Fang Chen Yi could not help but burst out foul mouth to, this is really to give him too much shock.

After a shock, Fang Chen Yi began to look forward to the next game experience, I do not know what it will be like after really entering the game.

I wonder what it will be like when I get hit by a bullet.

And with Fang Chen Yi's thoughts, a virtual operation box emerged in front of him, in which the operation box is to select the venue and the start button.

Fang Chenyi is not much of a fan of playing games, and the game he played the most is only the classic map.

So he directly put back one of his hands holding the M4. At once, he felt the weight on the other hand had increased.

When he pressed his finger on the button to start matching, his eyes flashed again.

The next moment, when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in a very simple aircraft cabin at the moment, and looking left and right, he saw that the surrounding area was filled with one by one motionless game characters.

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