Oh? A martial artist can actually shorten such a long time?

Nowadays, Pei Meng Han's physical quality is not comparable to that of ordinary people, so I believe it is easy to reach the level of a martial artist.

Not only Pei Meng Han, but also each of his 300 men has the strength of a martial artist's sixth or seventh level.

So it seems that it should not be a problem to increase these individual knowledge points for them.

"That's good, I wonder how advanced the knowledge to be given to them will be?"

Fang Chenyi thought of such a question again, I wonder to what extent the level of science has developed today.

In his heart, he still remembered the special reward that the system gave him the night he got Pai Meng Han at the beginning, a star battleship.

I don't know if the level of science today has reached such a high level.

If it really reached such a high level, reached the height of a star battleship can be manufactured, it would be perfect.

And after this question was asked Ling was also the first to give an answer.

"Detected the highest knowledge point of the world today, is close to the state of 75% of the first-class civilization."

This answer undoubtedly makes Fang Chenyi a little more puzzled, do not understand the meaning of this first-class civilization 75% in the end is what.

And it seems to detect Fang Chenyi's doubts, Xiao Ling gave the latest answer.

"In this universe, there are different levels of civilization, and the level of civilization that humans live in today is the first level of civilization.

After breaking through to the second level of civilization, human beings can break through the constraints of the home planet, to create a first-class civilization warships, arbitrary shuttle between the planets of the solar system.

Today's humans have developed a space station, which is the most primitive prototype of a first-class star warship.

According to today's human development progress to calculate. In 1413 years, mankind will be able to break through the first class civilization and successfully build the first class civilization warship."

Fang Chenyi felt that this answer was like listening to a science fiction story. I didn't expect this legendary civilization level to really exist.

There is also this star battleship, surprisingly, is also real, more than 1000 years later humans will be able to build it.

Xiao Ling's words completely refreshed Fang Chen Yi's three views, and also opened a new door for him.

"Xiao Ling, then in your memory bank can you search for higher civilization level information? That is to say, can you build the star battleship in advance."

Fang Chenyi thought in his mind, this is the game helmet is never a product that belongs in this level of civilization.

In this case, is it possible to build out this star warship in advance? So as to help mankind to take a step earlier to the next level of civilization.

However, the ideal is plump, the reality is often skeletal, Xiao Ling's answer is like throwing a pot of cold water on Fang Chen Yi.

"Master, Xiao Ling's knowledge base does have the knowledge of higher civilizations, but with today's human cognition, it is impossible to comprehend it, even if Xiao Ling burned the knowledge into today's human brain, it is still useless."

After getting this answer, Fang Chenyi also shook his head helplessly, it seems that he is too whimsical.

This should be just like the human brain today, obviously has endless potential, but humans can only develop one percent of it.

It's a pity that the previous star battleship, I don't know how many levels of civilization battleship that one battleship is.

I shook my head helplessly, no longer thinking about these unrealistic, but continued to communicate with Xiao Ling and let it sort out all the knowledge that can be mastered today.

After selecting some suitable for Pei Meng Han, she explained to Xiao Ling to transmit it to Pei Meng Han later, and only then did she take off her game helmet again.

"Little Hanhan, here you take this helmet."

After Fang Chen Yi took off the game helmet from his head, he reached out and handed it to Pei Meng Han.

Pei Meng Han saw this and shook his head helplessly and did not reach out to receive it, but spoke and said.

"You can play by yourself, husband, I really have a lot of things to deal with here, I can't finish it tonight."

After listening to this, Fang Chen Yi did not care about this, he simply stood up and walked behind Pei Meng Han, and directly put the game helmet on his head.

The next moment, Pei Meng Han's body was stiff.

It's not that she was in any danger, it's obvious that she was startled.

After all, this game helmet is really a bit too heavenly, if not because of the existence of their own long-standing system, I'm afraid that they will also be scared by her, right?

The good thing is that after a few moments, Pei Meng Han's body relaxed, and only then Fang Chen Yi was relieved.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

The time passed little by little, about five minutes later, Pei Meng Han suddenly reached out and took off the game helmet on his head.

Afterwards, she turned her head to look at Fang Chen Yi beside her and asked, somewhat incredulously.

"Chen Yi, what the hell is going on here? Why do I feel that there is suddenly so much knowledge in my mind all of a sudden! And there is no conflict at all.

Many things that I didn't understand before are now clear, and not only that, I feel that I can even participate in the research of nuclear bombs! No, not participate, I can even do it independently!"

Fang Chen Yi listened to Pei Meng Han's self-talk in front of him, he couldn't help but be a bit puzzled, didn't he say he would be in a coma for a day or two, but looking at Pei Meng Han's appearance, where were the signs of a coma?

It's not that Fang Chenyi wants to put Pei Meng Han in a coma, but mainly because Xiao Ling said so before.

What the hell is going on here? Is it possible that Pei Meng Han's physical quality is now stronger than that of a martial artist?

With such doubts, Fang Chen Yi asked with some uncertainty.

"Menghan, do you feel dizzy and want to sleep?"

Pei Meng Han shook his head in some confusion.

"No, I feel that my mind is unusually clear now, clearer than at any time. The work at hand originally required me to work overnight tonight, but I don't feel like I can use it now, give me two more hours and I'll be done."

After hearing Pei Meng Han's words, Fang Chen Yi was still not quite at ease and directly brought the helmet to his head again, he intended to ask, Xiao Ling, what the hell was going on.

However, after putting on the helmet for not even three minutes, Fang Chen Yi took it off again.

But his face is a strange expression, just into the game helmet and Xiao Ling's conversation still floating in the mind.

"She has the power of the master inside her body, although not a martial artist, but also not ordinary people can be compared, even stronger than martial artists, especially her spiritual power."

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