I heard the Poseidon Robton's very affirmative reply, Fang Chenyi completely put down his heart.

If the other party is not a royal stone, he will not come over.

After eating the rice, Chen Yi refused the entertainment activities proposed by the other party, but directly to a room closed and closed.

Although Fang Chenyi is not exhausted, there is no sense of sleep. But for Fang Chenyi, the manor of the Poseidon family really does not have much place for him curious.

Mainly, Fang Chenyi does not have much interest from small civilization to the West.

Of course, Fang Chenyi does not interested here, it does not represent the rest of the person, including a special existence, that is the King Kong.

Time is a little bit, Fang Chenyi is lying in the room and the Bai Meng Hao, but the King is the string of the back and forth in the room.

If it is not because Fang Chenyi has not nodded, this guy ran out crazy.

He looked at the door for a while, and turned his head and looked at it. He didn't take care of his own Fang Chen.

Subsequently, when Fang Chenyi didn't pay attention, the light hand opened the door to open the door.

That is, at this time, suddenly a shoe flew over, unbiased in the arrogant butt, and the King Kong of the time is a spirit.

Subsequently, a pair of big hands stuffed back and retired.

"Your kid is giving me old man staying in the house, I don't want to go out, I haven't heard it? I am not scarring you, if you are not old, you will not be able to count on me later. Can take you out to play. "

I heard the warning of Fang Chenyi, and the Kim Gaston returned the neck and said it clearly.

Fang Chenyi did not take care of him again, turned to continue to chat with Bai Meng.

At this time, the sky outside is gradually darker.

Suddenly, I was called in the bed in the equation, and the King Kong squatted in the corner of the wall, and there was a noisy voice outside.

Turning the head of Jin Gang raised, and a pair of ears are also very sensitive.

Not only the King Kong Gongchen Yi also heard the movement outside, so he hanged the call to the Bai Meng Hao in the phone.

At the same time, the noisy sound outside is getting closer. It is also getting clearer.

Even Fang Chenyi heard someone outside, it seems to be their family and the old man rushed back.

The real facts are also the same as he guess, the sound outside, is because the old man of the Poseidon family and the old man caught back.

The family members who were originally taken by Poseidon Robut, when he heard the old and the family was coming back, I was booked, and I rumized out of the outside, so I quickly gathered outside the manor. .

Among them, the important elders of the family have cried in the old man.

It took all the sins of Poseidon Robton.

After seeing these people, the old man is gratified to nod, which means that the status of ourselves is not affected.

At the same time, it also explains that Poseidon Robton has not been recognized.

So the next course is long and the long-term power is taking this group of people to come within the manor, I want to find Poseidon Robdon counted.

And Fang Chenyi heard is the voyage of this group of people and calls.

clang! clang! clang!

After Fang Chenyi hanged the phone, the door was suddenly sounded, followed by the anxious voice of Poseidon Robton.

"Oh, the boss is bad! They rushed back! And the members of the family were betrayed everything. All ran to the other side!"

This is said to let him Chen Yifang is a speechless, what is family members betrayed it. It is clear that they don't recognize you.

Of course, Fang Chenyi will not be bored with Poseidon Robdon to argue, but slowly wear shoes.

At this time, Jin Gang is also a bone climbing from the ground, and his face is a hidden excitement shrink. He seems to know that he should go out to go out.

Sure enough, Kimang really saw that his owner was already in this, and he walked over him.


Fang Chenyi came to the door to hear the name of King Kong, and it was obvious that this guy was saying that she would bring him.

So Fang Chenyi nodded, and then opened the door straight.

At this moment, this door outside Fang Chenyi is under the hand brought over, and standing together on the air outside the door.

After seeing Fang Chenyi, Poseidon Robton had a lot of anxious faces.

Just waiting for him to speak, there is a sound of fighting.

Listening to this voice should be the main hall of the next door, it is obvious that the long and old, they have conflicted under the hand of Poseidon Robdon.

This allows you to restore some calm Poseidon Robdon again. The reason is nothing to come, but it is not easy. If you are all broken, then you will be in your family later. Not mix.

Thinking of this, Poseidon Robton immediately looked at the eyes of the help to Fang Chenyi.

Fang Chenyi also knows that Poseidon Robton is anxious, so, I have a big hand, and I will go next door under my hands.

This room and the hall are just a wall. So after a moment, Fang Chenyi led a group of people appeared in the square of the square outside the temple.

I saw two groups of people at this moment, and there were two groups of people in front of this major temple. I can know that it is the more than a dozen of Poseidon Robton.

The number of people on the other is that there is more than a few times, and the naked eye is estimated to be less than 200. At this time, more than a dozen people are being siegeed in more than two hundred people.

Although it is besieged, the more than a dozen people did not have much lower wind.

The opposite is that these 200 people did not get any benefits. At this time, I saw a foreign old man in the two people standing behind these 200 people, and suddenly issued a mood.

Although Fang Chen Yi does not understand what the other side is shouting, it is obvious that this guy should be a war.

"Boss, this is our great old, and now it has broken through the realm of the martial arts to reach martial arts! If he takes us, everyone has to explain here."

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