After listening to Fang Chenyi, Qi Xiaomi was placed on the fishk fork in his hand.

Just Qi Xia Tian is very curious, is this in the weight not just put the iron fork? Can you have multiple?

It seems to have seen Qi Xiaotian's ideas, Fang Chenyi is also suddenly funny.

So, Fang Chenyi single-handed, the three meters long fish fork quickly pulled a beautiful fire flower in his hand.

That's right, just like ancient big guns, the fish fork is very flexible in the hands of Fang Chenyi, and even because the speed is too fast, the fish fork has left a diamond in half air. shadow.

This scene won the quite a while, and this method is better than those actors in the TV series.

Just in his heart, Fang Chenyi's fish fork actually explored himself.

Then Fang Chenyi held a fish fork and stopped in front of Qi Xiaotian.

"Hey, this is true, you will try it."

Look at Mang Chenyi is easy to scale, and the can't move. Qi Xiaotian can be sure that this thing is not as sinking.

So smiled and nodded, and reached a arm and grabbed the fish fork.

Sure enough, in the moment of the fish fork, Qi Xiaotian did not feel how much weight.

The heart is also a laugh, a fish fork, can have multiple.

It's just that this sentence has not yet been finished, and the arm suddenly comes from a huge downlift force.

Then, then the fishk is straight towards his face, and there is also a small day with a small day.

Seeing the fishk and your palms are about to come into the ground, Qi Xiaotian suddenly turned his heart, did not dare to pay more.

Hurred another hand quickly grabbed the top of the fish fork, and the teeth were criticized, and all the power on his body, wanted to stop the fish from falling away.

It's just that the weight of this fishk is very unexpected, plus he can't prevent it.

I have seen the fish fork to contact the ground, and my palm is also easy to collect on the fish fork. I am afraid that I have to be swollen.

At this day, I suddenly felt the trend of falling, and my arm was also light.

It was originally returned to Fang Chenyi's hand by the fish fork she held her hand.

"Oh, how is this weight, is it more important than thinking?"

Listening to Fang Chenyi, Xiao Tian's heart was wiped with sweat on the head, and said with a head and said:

"I rely on Fang Ge, which is from where, this is too sinking, this is not your shot, I am doing hands, I am afraid to be abolished!"

"Hey, where I started, just in this big temple. Have you seen the iron chain in the head? Just squatting."

During the speech, Fang Chenyi looked at the finger of the two turned iron chains. After Qi Xiaotian saw this, he nodded, but he immediately had a question:

"Is it hanging there? Isn't it? I am now weak, don't say it is a few hundred pounds, it is a jack. I can also pick it. And it is clear that the weight of this fishk is not light. Ah, the chain is nothing. There is still no problem with a few tons, but the structure of this temple can bear such heavy weight? "

For this issue of Qi Xiaotian, Fang Chenyi is also somewhat doubtful, and ordinary rooms cannot withstand such weight.

However, these are not what he cares about now is what is the material of the fish fork, and there will be such weight.

"I am not very clear about this, you now call the Poseidon Telki, I asked him."

In Fang Chenyi, there is no question, as long as you ask yourself, you will know.

Qi Xiaotian listened to the score of the square, immediately nodded and left out, and the old husband, the old man came in and behind.

After seeing Fang Chenyi, he immediately went up all the courtesy, and the mouth was also very respectful and said:

"Boss, you are looking for me."

Fang Chenyi nodded to indicate that the other side sat down, but the next moment he had some embarrassing reasons without his table and chairs in this stool, just have been cleaned by himself, at this moment, in addition to the middle chair There is no surplus sitting outside.

At this time, Poseidoche was also discovered this abnormality to kill the empty hall, and it was a little bit of tongue for a while.

Some doubtfully looked up and sneaked with this god. The general existence, just under this, suddenly it was a surprise, the original is the magic of the top of the palace.

This makes Poseidon Trapp have not been trembled by the whole body.

And this move is also caught by Fang Chenyi. Some are interested in handing the fish in the hand to the other side:

"Talk. Let me introduce this thing."

This is a treasure of the town of Poseidon family. Nowadays, they are actually held in their hands, and the inner heart of Poseidon Telip is not calm.

You must know that it is absolutely not allowed to touch this aura before you have an elder identity.

However, before, Fang Chenyi used it to brainwash it, so he was only respectful.

The treasure of the town of the family holding his family in his hand does not have a dock.

On the contrary, it is still full of excitement and excitement, and his own boss can control this, this shows that the strength of the boss is simply the existence of God.

Fang Chenyi slowly sat in the only seat in the main hall, holding the three-day fish fork, and asked again:

"Why, don't you meet this thing?"

Poseidon Tel Le took the excitement of excitement in his heart, and his thoughts were pulled back because Fang Chenyi's sentence.

After organizing the language, Poseidon Tellau quickly replied:

"No, I certainly know! If I return to the boss, this trident is the treasure of the town of Poseidallu family! Although it is not the trident, it is very useful, but it is also very early. The tribe, according to the original shape of the trident, even the same thing in the material of the trident and the nose of the sea, just according to the flow of flow, only the craftsmanship of this creation is different. Therefore, compared to the real trigemine. "

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