Become the world's richest man from picking up tatters

Chapter 84 The Arrogant Wang Congcong (Change Chapter)

Looking at the few elder brothers who started smashing cars without waiting for himself to speak, Principal Wang felt speechless.

This is really a group of children who have not been severely beaten by the society. He is sure that these people smashed the car in front of him today. Tomorrow, the news of the second generation of his own domineering rich will definitely quickly lead the major news headlines!

'Hey, you are not afraid of enemies like gods but teammates like pigs. This is something your sister can obviously solve with money. Why do you have to do such a stupid thing!'

Sure enough, just as Principal Wang thought, the surrounding crowd looked at the few people in front of him with bricks and railings. They crackled and smashed a Wuling bread, and immediately began to point and point.

"Huh? Is that person Wang Xiaolin's son, Principal Wang?"

"Hey, really eh, isn't this Baida belonged to their family? This guy is really arrogant. It's too shameful to smash someone else's car. I don't know how to behave if I have some money. All right."

Of course, although pointing, the quality of this group of people is still relatively high, after all, they are all people with a head and a face, even if they can't understand this guy, they didn't take out their phones to take pictures.

After all, no matter what, it is necessary to give him the richest man, Lao Tzu Wang, a face, otherwise, who knows when they will make a small stumbling block in their business.

Principal Wang was a little relieved when he saw that everyone was talking, but no one took out the mobile phone video.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, what happened to your side... Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we are late, we are late..."

At this moment, the security captain who saw this scene in the monitoring room finally ran over with a team of security guards.

Upon seeing this, Principal Wang spread his hands helplessly at the group of people: "It's okay, my dog ​​fell in love with Erha in that car, and then they went to smash the car..."

Following Principal Wang's gaze, all the security guards' eyes fell on the Wuling van that was being smashed.

After seeing the license plate of the car, the security captain suddenly had a headache. Isn't this car Nima the one driven by the owner of Louis Vuitton China?Why is it that the second boss of his own family has been smashed?

For a while, the security guards hesitated, not knowing whether they should go up and help. Really, the owner of Louis Vuitton is not an easy one. If the two sides fight, the gods will fight and the mortals will suffer and finally suffer. It must be my little ones.

"Fuck, what the fuck are you doing?"

However, when the security guards hesitated, they heard a loud shout coming from a distance.Immediately, a very handsome, uh, scumbag young man walked over with two big bags.

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the young man was seen passing Principal Wang's shoulders with two large bags of things. He came to the Wuling van in three or two steps, and lifted his right leg and kicked it three times.

At the next moment, the three young people who had originally waved the bricks and smashed them had already flew out.

Puff, puff, and puff, after three muffled noises, all three of them fell to the ground and wailed.

"To you, are you fucking sick, smash my car and fuck your mother!"

The visitor is not someone else, but Fang Chenyi who came back from buying dog food.

Thinking about buying the dog food quickly, Fang Chenyi went back to pick up the tattered dog food and found the pet shop. After asking for two large packages of the most expensive dog food, he walked back to the elevator without any delay.

But I didn't expect to see a lot of people around here as soon as I got off the elevator, and there was a banging sound in my ears.

Originally, I wondered if there was Fang Chenyi who was watching lively before he separated from the crowd to see clearly, in the lively relationship, someone was actually smashing his car!

Can this Nima bear it?Absolutely not!

Glancing at the three wailing three on the ground, Fang Chenyi frowned, these people look familiar?

Oh, come to think of it, this group of people is by the principal Wang.

Turning his head and scanning around, he saw the figure of Principal Wang behind him.

"You're sick, my car is parked well, is something wrong with you? I tell you, your father is used to you in your house, and no one is used to your stinky problem!"

Although the opponent is Principal Wang, Fang Chenyi is truly not afraid of this guy.

Don't say whether he has money or strength now, anyway, he can't understand this guy, not only now, but also when he didn't have money before.

Returning to the national husband, I am your old man, and I am so good to return to the national husband. Let me tell you, yeah, I'll just pull out a little pomelo book friend that is much more handsome than you!Not only is more handsome than you, even I am not as handsome as them!

"President Wang, this is..."

Seeing Fang Chenyi go crazy, the security guard next to President Wang hurriedly whispered to tell President Wang the identity of the other party.

But before he could finish speaking, he saw President Wang stepping forward and pulling away the security captain:

"Uh, buddy, this is your car, isn't it?"

"Nonsense, isn't it my car, it's your fucking car?"

Don't blame Fang Chenyi for swearing, after all, a good car was smashed by someone, who can keep a good temper?

Principal Wang saw Fang Chenyi admit it, nodded, and then shrugged helplessly:

"Hehe, I am sorry for smashing your car, but you can rest assured that I will help you out for the repair cost of your car. If you do not agree to repair it, it will be no problem to compensate you for a new one. Yes, the dog in the car is yours too, our family Wang Keke has taken a fancy to it, so please make a price, brother."

"Pay for a new one? Lose it for your uncle! Do you know how much my car is? You also pay for a new one. Have you ever seen a Wuling God car with a 8.0-liter four-turbo W16 engine?"

After Fang Chenyi exploded with a swear word, he was a little bit confused, and there were many question marks in his mind??

Who is this king coco?His girlfriend?Fancy my second dog?Is it such a heavy taste?

"Haha, you can really brag, brother, why don't you say that this is the engine of a fighter jet, but also a w16 engine, brother, do you know that it is the exclusive engine of Bugatti? Haha, okay, I'm not talking about you, you Let's make a price, how about 10,000 yuan? Give you 10,000 yuan and give me your dog."

"Hehe, I really have a fighter jet engine, but I installed it on our tractor."


After listening to Fang Chenyi's words, the principal Wang in front of him suddenly laughed without holding back. This buddy Nima can really brag.The fighter engine was installed on the tractor, which this guy thought of....

(To be continued...)

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