Boys and girls from all over the world meet here, know each other and fall in love.

But today, the holy land of love has lost its usual atmosphere.

The reason is very simple, because there is an unexpected guest here.

White Floral dress, light blue wide brim hat, a pair of gold round eyes on the eye socket

She just sat there quietly, the whole person was like a little fairy dropping down on the earth.

Linda, she just sat there and attracted a lot of attention.

"Li Jian, if you look at it, believe it or not, I will break up with you immediately..."

"Hao Ren, get out of here..."


For a moment, the whole stadium rang out one after another of angry scolding.

Linda became the public enemy of all women.

Finally, someone can't help it!

With her hands on her hips, she stormed into Linda's face in a furious voice and demanded, "who are you? What do you want to do? "

"Hello, my name is Rowling..." Linda stretched out her right hand with a smile.

Killer rule number one, never reveal your name, and try to get along with the people around you.

"What do you want to do?"

"Wait for someone."

"For whom?"



For a long time, all the boyfriends were relieved.

"So Rowling, wait a minute. We'll go first." With that, the girl ran towards the distance.

"Hao Ren, don't look. They have boyfriends..."

"Li Jian, even if you see through the autumn water, it's useless."



Linda laughed scornfully at all the comments.

Looking at the time, it is already 5:30 p.m., notice quietly waiting for Qin Luo's arrival.


Time is like passing by in a flash of an hour.

But she didn't even see Qin Luo.

Was it pigeon?

But Linda thought it was impossible.

This morning, Qin Luo looked at the desire revealed in his eyes, which can not be disguised.

With intuition, he felt that Qin Luo would definitely come!

"Are you waiting for Qin Luo

At this moment, a flat voice sounded in his ear.

Looking around, he is a middle-aged man.

He was dressed in a black silk coat with golden eyes on his face, and he looked like a teacher of the last century.

"Are you?"

"Hello, my name is Tang Ming, Professor of physics." Tang Ming said with a smile: "well, Professor Qin Luo asked me to deliver a message for him. He has something to do today and can't leave. So please go back first. Tomorrow he will send an extra signature to his classmates."


One more signature from shentemao!

Do you think I need a signature?

For a moment, Linda's chest was up and down, and her anger was burning.

"What the professor means is, can't Qin Luo come?" She asked, gritting her teeth.

"In general." Tang Ming replied.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

Although she already had the answer in her heart, her anger rose a lot after she got the accurate answer from Tang Ming.

She knew that she had been fooled! Qin Luo played a trick on him!

"Bang!" Linda slammed her textbook to the ground.

And then no nostalgia, turn around and go.

The plan has changed. She has to kill Qin Luo tonight.

"Cough, students, please wait."

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