He divided the proof process into numerous modules, then proved them one by one, and finally put them together.

But how can the segmented modules come together again.

This has violated its original intention

"Ding, open the task and break the illusion of learning dregs."

"To go: Please host with a large amount of knowledge, end the illusion of learning slag."

"Task reward: Xueba is worth 1000 points."

Is Xueba worth a thousand? Er - that's too few.

"Ding, mission on, Birmingham's desk."

"Request: please go to Birmingham reporting desk and give a summary report on twin prime numbers."

"Reward: learn to bully worth 10000 points, a lucky draw."

Emmmmm, it turns out that the big picture is here.

After adjusting his mood, Qin Luo put his eyes back on cage. At this moment, he looked at each other like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Qin Luo gave a light smile and said, "undeniably, the proof process is really wonderful, but you fall into a logical trap."

"What are you talking about? I didn't hear you. " Cage froze.

This conclusion is what he is most proud of. Now, just a suitable time, he can prove the theory of twin prime numbers by using backward deduction mathematics, and it will be published in mathematical journals.

But now he was denied by a senior high school student, which made him a little confused.

"Are you sure, classmate?" The corners of his mouth rose and his eyes were scornful.

Qin Luo nodded and said with a smile, "excuse me, why can you prove a theory that is just a guess?"

"Of course, you have more than one mistake."

"You split the theory of twin prime numbers into ten small modules and prove them one by one. You are not trying to prove the conjecture of twin prime numbers, but to prove them for the sake of proving."

"If it were me, I would not let you appear in the Journal of mathematics."

as a big man of LV5, Qin Luo is not difficult to find out the fallacy in the proof process.

"Shut up!"

As if aware of his low-level mistake, cage's face changed color several times in a few seconds.

From black to defeated, in now's full face red.

He fiercely gouged out Qin Luo, did not speak, turned and left.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task and reward Xueba with 1000 points. "

1000 points, better than nothing.

As a rich man, Qin Luo doesn't care about the "little bit" learning hegemony value.


the next day, at the weekend, the warm sunshine broke through the uniform clouds and scattered on the earth.

Qin Luo woke up early.

As usual, he was not affected by jet lag at all.

This realm can only appear in the learning God who sleeps in class.

Once again came to Birmingham University, where there is no yesterday's Qingxin atmosphere, replaced by the light smoke in the air.

In the next day and a half, there will be a world IMO world champion, the strongest in the youth generation.

Professor Stanley, the leader of the judging group, read out the rules of the competition. There are three questions in total, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The competition schedule is two days in total. Each question has 6 points and 18 points in total. Each question takes 3 hours to answer. He can carry any stationery and drawing workers. Even the Organizing Committee of the competition allows the contestants to bring some drinks and food in consideration of the examination time Enter the site.

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