Deline took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the school office's phone: "help me to take a ticket to Yanjing..."

"I understand..."

Of course, such a scene, not only in the United States, not just in Princeton, such a scene, widely staged around the world.

Yanjing has become the focus of attention in the world academic circles.

Of course, when a group of professors were busy rushing to Yanjing, Yanda was not idle.

Arrange the venue, issue the invitation letter

However, all the well-known media in the world have received the invitation.

At this moment, the storm of learning reform has begun completely.


when he put down the phone, Chen Qiangsheng showed a bright smile on his face. He reached out and patted Qin Luo on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Qin Luo is two days away from the start of the press conference. You should get ready as soon as possible. I have a hunch that this school reform will not be peaceful."

If this is China's internal media, then there is no problem.

But this conference not only received Chinese media, but also foreign media.

Chinese school reform!

In the face of such explosive news, they must dig deeply into it. At that time, all kinds of sharp problems will surely emerge one after another.

As the initiator of the academic reform and the symbol of Chinese academic circles, Qin Luo must be the one who has been questioned most.

On such an important occasion, we must not make any mistakes.

Once they made a mistake, they did not know that it was Qin Luo himself, but also the whole Chinese academic community.

"Don't you know what kind of person I am? Don't worry. It's very stable. " Clap chest, Qin Luo says with smile.

How many storms did Qin Luo experience?

Not ten times, eight times.

Didn't Qin Luo get through that time?

A small press conference, to be honest, Qin Luo really felt nothing


It seems that if someone else said this sentence, Chen Qiangsheng would be very relieved.

But when this sentence comes out of Qin Luo's mouth, Chen Qiangsheng always has a feeling that he can't speak.

How much big news has Qin Luo made?

Eight or ten?

Chen Qiangsheng is not good at math. He can't work it out.

"Before you appeared on the stage, all the people sitting underground were professors from various colleges and universities. They would not deliberately make trouble to you. But this time, the people sitting on the stage are the media!"

"Their mouths are more poisonous than anyone else Chen said.

Media reporters, long known as the king without a crown, this hat is not white.


Qin Luo thought for a moment, and then he gave a faint smile.

Chen Qiangsheng said this, just like his mouth is very gentle.


for three days, whether it is long or not, and whether it is short or not.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it's over.

In these three days, Qin Luo constantly wandered between Yanda and Huaqing.

While preparing for the upcoming "learning reform" media conference, while participating in computer materials research.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning sprinkled on Qin Luo's face, Qin Luo opened his eyes.

Dress, brush your teeth, eat

After simple washing and gargling, Qin Luo opened the door and walked towards the auditorium in a hurry.

The press conference of "school reform" will be held at 9:00 a.m. Qin Luo, as a "landlord", is arranged by Chen Qiangsheng at the entrance of the auditorium to receive him.

Originally, Qin Luo refused, but later Chen Qiangsheng's words made Qin Luo give up the idea of refusing.

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