However, this has become a false proposition in Qin Luo!

Three minutes, maybe not three minutes, Qin Luo put all the security on the ground.

It really refreshes Ford's view of the world.

Dream, must be in a dream, only dream can explain what happened in front of you.

"It's impossible!" Ford roared and rubbed his eyes desperately. He couldn't believe what was happening.

According to his script, the person lying on the ground screaming at this moment should be Qin Luo.

Unfortunately, even though Ford rubbed his eyes, the facts did not change at all.

Qin Luo is still smiling, and around him, lies a crowd of security guards of ASML company.

It's true

"Plop..." Ford's legs jerked and flopped down on the ground, shaking like chaff.

This is true. Qin Luo is not only academically accomplished, but also excellent in his hands

At this moment, Ruud is completely speechless

Of course, Ford was not the only one who was shocked, but also Lin Qinglan.

Originally, he had planned that he could not leave today.

However, it never occurred to me that the whole script would go down in a sudden, and a 360 ° Thomas whirlwind came directly.

Qin Luo, who seemed to be relatively thin, beat all the security guards of ASML company to the ground.

Forgive Lin Qinglan for reading less. She wants to be a little confused in her mind.

"Professor Qin, when are you?" Lin Qinglan bit his teeth and asked in disbelief.

Hehe, you may not believe it. My skill has always been so excellent

"Always..." Qin Luo shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent face.

"Well Why don't I know... "

"You didn't ask, did you?"

Lin Qinglan:! @#¥……”

Ha ha I won't tell you if I don't ask you? I'm worried for nothing?

Don't know why, Lin Qinglan has a kind of speechless feeling.

Indignant white Qin Luo one eye, Lin Qinglan turned to look at Ford.

"Mr. Ford, may I go now?" Lin Qinglan said with a smile.


I don't want you to go, but can it come true?

Looking at the wailing crowd, Ford could only smile bitterly.

"Professor Lin, if you are not happy in China, the door of ASML will be open for you at any time, and you can come back at any time..." Said Ford, biting his teeth.

Come back?

Lin Qinglan didn't speak. He narrowed his eyes and looked around him. He put a faint smile on his mouth: "no, Mr. lafort has taken great pains. I think I will be very happy in China..."

After that, Lin Qinglan turned and walked toward the door.

Seeing this, qinluo looked at Ford with a smile and said with a smile, "Mr. Ford, since I have collected the money and terminated the contract, I don't think I need to say more about it."

I'd like to default, but do I have the guts?

At first, he wanted to leave Lin Qinglan with the high price of liquidated damages, but now they have all paid the liquidated damages to his account, which is tantamount to completely breaking his back road of repudiation, and he is not even qualified to default.

Ford, with his palms on the ground, slowly rose to his feet. This time, Ford seemed to be in a very awkward position.

"Don't worry, Professor Qin. I know what to do..." Ford had a smile worse than crying.

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