Because they are all top reporters of major media companies. They are used to big scenes. What news can make them throw away their cameras!

They can't think of it!

Quiet, death like silence

There was no sound in the hall.

Everyone is waiting quietly, waiting for the amazing news from qinluo.

Simply, their waiting didn't last long

Two minutes later, Qin Luo revealed the answer.

"Ladies and gentlemen, before I announce the news, I would like to tell you a story..."

"Tell a story?" They were shocked, and their eyes were full of doubts.

What's the situation? Qin Luo even told stories in front of the public! They really can't imagine what kind of medicine is sold in qinluo's gourd

But in line with the good professional quality, they did not ask questions, but quietly waiting for Qin Luo's explanation.

Soon in the eyes of the people, Qin Luo slowly opened his mouth: "as we all know, I am now carrying out a research on lithography."

"By the time I arrived in the United States in the future, some small progress had been made."

"But when I thought the research was successful, something unexpected happened to me."

"The test sample, which was not easy to make, was stolen."

"And the person who apologized to test the sample, not anyone else, officially Berkeley!"

Then, Qin Luo will be the matter has gone through the details of the details of the people once again.

Crazy! Capital muddle force!

With Qin Luo's amazing words, all of them were stupefied to stay in place.

All of you here are not new people, but the most senior reporters from various media companies. They are well aware of how important the test samples and process procedures are for a test.

It can even determine the success or failure of an experiment.

And the technological process will not say, this is the core of an experiment!

But now someone is stealing them, and it's Berkeley!


The crowd opened their mouths and could not speak for a long time.

However, their surprise did not end there.

Qin Luo, after pondering for a moment, said again, "there is one more thing I want you to know."

"The reason why Berkeley has such support is that

Berkeley is backed up

It's no secret in the circle, but they don't know who's behind Berkeley.

At this moment, Qin Luo seems to have the meaning of putting each other on the surface.

At this moment, the eyes of a group of reporters were burning.

Big news, that's what they need.

Once published, it will certainly cause a stir in the United States and even in the world.

"Professor, who is behind him?"

"Who is so bold as to dare to do such a thing?"

"We'll expose them today anyway!"


For a moment, the reporters under the stage yelled excitedly.

Exposure? That's certain. Otherwise, he doesn't need to hold this press conference at great risk

"You can rest assured that I will announce them, which is the purpose of this press conference." Qin Luo's eyes look around, sharp eyes in everyone's body swept, light smile way.

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