Yes, Qin Luo not only offended them, but also countless businessmen in the business world.

As long as we can unite these people, even Qin Luo can't stand it. At that time, there is only one way left for Qin Luo, which is to bow to them.

"Well, that's it!" Dale clenched his fist heavily, his eyes filled with excitement.

"So please contact your friends..." Burmington smiles, takes his cell phone out of his pocket and dials the phone.

"Hello, director moring, this is burmington..."


the telephone is interwoven in the air, and the message is transmitted in an instant.

At this moment, a small gear stirs up the whole American business community. It works like a precision machine.

"It's right or wrong to start with learning and to end with scholarship - the rice press."

"The exposure of hidden business rules is a disaster for the entire civilized society - BBC TV."

"It is a pity for academics to be reduced to the weapon of ambition - the times daily."

"Business frustrated, suffering day of human civilization - Eagle law society."


It's like a tornado rushing into the parking lot. Early in the morning, the whole direction of public opinion completely reverses.

Some of the news media that attacked burmington crazily yesterday, without exception, turned their focus today, aiming their guns at Qin Luo and pulled their trigger without hesitation.

A piece of chiseled reports directly put Qin Luo on the gallows.

Sharp words, like a sharp blade, would like to tear Qin Luo apart.

Princeton University, as the holy land of learning, now Princeton has lost the warm atmosphere of the past. The whole college is shrouded in a cloud, and the academic collision has fallen into stagnation on this day.

Professor's room

A group of professors in Princeton looked sad.

Although they have already thought of this result in their heart and are ready to bear the pressure, when he really comes, they can't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

They did not expect that the other side would react so quickly. What's more, they did not expect that there was not a media standing on their side among the countless media in the country.

The pressure is like Mount Tai. It's so heavy on their shoulders that they can't breathe.

Of course, compared with the melancholy dregne, Qin Luo, as the initiator, should be more leisurely.

Before that, Qin Luo had been ready to be attacked, so in the face of such a situation, he did not panic at all.

"Qin Luo, what are you going to do?" Asked Denise, gritting his teeth.

"Counterattack, of course!" Qin Luo said with a smile.

"What to fight back with."

"This one!"

Qin Luo took out a letter from his pocket.

Drigne followed the envelope and opened it.

"In darkness, in light?"

This is a self-report of Qin Luo

It has to be said that Qin Luo draws good materials and writes well. At any other time, he will surely find the crazy pursuit of the media.

But now, the whole business community is on the side of burmington, and Qin Luo's self-report has been published.

"Do you think this letter has a chance to be sent out?" Asked dline, frowning.

"Not in America, but in other places..." Qin Luo said with a smile: "don't forget, there is a solid backing behind me..."

The strongest backing -- Huaxia!

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