An apology, emmmmm, that's all?

To tell you the truth, Qin Luo's answer to Deschamps is true, and there is a little surprise.

He had thought that Deschamps would say something shocking, such as threatening himself? Speak hard? In the bad also have to be like the big wolf, say what I will certainly come back and so on cruel words.

However, Qin Luo didn't expect that Deschamps would say this directly.

It seems that the script is not the same as what I imagined

After pondering for a long time, Qin Luo said, "Professor, don't you mean revenge at all?"


Why revenge?

Deschamps thought seriously, and he did not think of any reason for revenge.

His heart even has a little gratitude to Qin Luo.

After all, because of Qin Luo's appearance, the Curie family was banned from participating for 10 years, and they had the opportunity to surpass the Curie family.

"Revenge? Why revenge? Professor Qin, I thank you for not having time. Why revenge? " Said Deschamps.

Yes, from the bottom of his heart, he actually appreciated Qin Luo.


Qin Luo was a little confused.

How can you be grateful? I didn't do anything?

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Qin Luo's mind: is it personality charm?

Think about it. It's possible.

The next moment, Qin Luo threw it out of his head again.

Qin Luo admits that his personality charm is really big, but it is not big enough to make Deschamps grateful.

That's Deschamps, an old man over 50 years old. Who hasn't seen it?

To be honest, there are more people who have dealt with him than Qin Luo.

Although Qin Luo thought that his personality charm was quite outstanding, he was not outstanding enough to be dormant in virtue.

For himself, Qin Luo's heart is still a little bit forced to count!

"Professor Deschamps, if you have anything to say..." Qin Luo said.

Deschamps:! @#…… "


What do you say?

To be honest, he really didn't know what to say.

And Qin Luo. What is this? Forced brain tonic?

With a bitter smile, Deschamps said bitterly: "Professor Qin, I have already said what should and should not be said. I really have nothing to say."

What didn't you say?

Ha ha

Go to him!

Whether others believe it or not, Qin Luo doesn't believe it.

Qin Luo sneered, turned to look at Bob Dylan and said, "Chairman Bob, it seems that this meal is not enough. Let's go."


Bob Dylan was overjoyed.

In my heart, Bob Dylan didn't approve of qinluo coming to see Sheffield Deschamps.

After all, Deschamps' foundation is not clean. He is very worried that this banquet is a pit specially dug by Deschamps for qinluo!

Now Qin Luo says he wants to go, which is what Bob Dylan has been looking forward to for a long time.


Looking at Qin Luo who suddenly got up, Deshang's eyelids jumped wildly.

If you don't agree, you have to go? Can we have fun?

"Professor Qin, please wait!" In front of Qin Luo's play, de Shang immediately got up and called Qin Luo.

Here comes the main course!

Qin Luo's eyes narrowed and his mouth curled up a cold arc.

"Professor Deschamps, what else do you want to say?" Qin Luo asked with a smile.

"Don't Professor Qin want to know why I thank you?"

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