Qin Luo's coach car ran out of the road at full speed, and the right front wheel fell into the drainage ditch!

Only heard "whew ~", the coach car has gone.

"How could that be possible?"

At this moment, Wang Kai's eyes were dull and he could not speak at all.

Qin Luo's coach car has surpassed his Ferrari!

At the foot of yijianfeng mountain

At this moment, there has been no enthusiasm when the beginning, whether it is the racing car race or the pursuit of exciting gourd eating masses, at the moment, all face dignified.

According to the war report ahead, the distance between Qin Luo and Wang Kai can be ignored, and Qin Luo may surpass Wang Kai at any time.

At this moment, no one finally underestimated Qin Luo, and no one would think that Wang Kai was deliberately releasing water.

Qin Luo is a real cattle hide! Fortunately, the journey is almost over, and Qin Luo has no chance to complete the transcendence.

”Zizizi The voice of "rustling" came from the walkie talkie, and the crowd gathered around in an instant.

”They just passed turn 52, and keigo took the lead No, it's not right. Qinluo has surpassed, qinluo has surpassed Kaige! He's using full speed flow to cross the bend and take the drain "

" cage is behind "There was a hoarse voice from the walkie talkie.

Quiet, dead quiet.

The whole foot of Jianfeng mountain is as silent as being pressed the pause button.

All of them stood in the same place with dull eyes.

Qinluo actually completed the surpassing, with a southeast coach car, completed the surpassing of Ferrari.

This is simply a miracle. No, miracle is not enough to describe. It can only be described by myth.

But the more Qin Luo created a miracle, the more angry they were.

”Why is this!

"how can I not believe in losing? "

" my money, my life! “

”…… "

after a short time, a burst of shrill screams broke out.

They all bought Wang Kai to win. Once Wang Kai loses, they will lose their money.

”We can't lose. We still have a chance! "

" come on, Kay go "

for a while, a deafening sound of cheering broke out.

However, Wang Kai could not hear their cheering.

Racing is still going on. Looking at the coach car in front of him, Wang Kai's eyes are red, and his whole body is full of murderous air

As the shoulder of Beishan city's drag racing industry, as a recognized king of Jianfeng, he was actually surpassed by Qin Luo.

This is a shame to him!

Once spread out, Wang Kai will become the laughing stock of drag racing industry!

No, it must not happen.

Thinking of this, he stepped on the accelerator, Ferrari's speed has increased a lot!


Through the rearview mirror, looking at the approaching fire red sports car behind him, Qin Luo's mouth filled with a faint smile.

There is no denying that Ferrari's acceleration performance is excellent, even if qinluo's driving level has reached LV3, it can't compete with Wang Kai.

But unfortunately, yijianfeng is not a track famous for straight roads, and curves account for 80% of the track.

In the curve, Qin Luo's driving skills, enough to make up for the gap in the vehicle.

"Qin Luo, be careful!" Suddenly, the silent song Shuhang opens his mouth.

Looking up, I saw a sharp turn ahead.

The angle of the curve reaches an amazing 80 degrees, and what's more, the cliff is next to the curve!

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