In terms of commercial value alone, it exceeds tens of billions of dollars.

The original assumption of truet was that Qin Luo would give a speech on the stage, but what he said should be something relatively superficial, while the deeper thing was that Qin Luo would not make public.

Now, Qin Luo seems ready to make this technology public

He was ready to give up the ten billion dollars he could get.

Qin Luo gave up tens of billions of dollars in a word, and Lester Lee for a mere 22 million dollars and people turned over, it is a big difference.

Qin Luo is in the sky, and Leicester is in the ground!

At this moment, he was really convinced of Qin Luo.

Why not?

Hearing trudet's words, Qin Luo's mouth raised a faint arc.

He can't think of any reason to choose not to be public!

The reason why he studies academic is that only academic can promote the progress of human society.

Only learning can promote the process of civilization development.

If everyone sweeps the snow in front of his or her own door, and there are obvious academic achievements, but they are hidden behind them. How can civilization progress and how can human society develop.

As the saying goes, people live and live like they hate.

Qin Luo didn't want to live like he hated, so he chose to break the game.

He chose to open the research results unconditionally, and even Qin Luo wanted to set an example for himself, so as to drive more people to take the initiative to open academic research, so as to promote the progress of human civilization.

Although, Qin Luo knew it was very difficult to do so.

But he's not going to give up.

"Professor truet, why can't I make it public?" Qin Luo said with a smile: "although the value of academic can be measured by money, but it can not be measured only by money."

"He has more to measure phonemes..."

"For example, his practical application value, such as his contribution to human civilization..."

"Even I think the value of the latter is far greater than that of the former!"


Just at the moment of Qin Luo's voice falling, the whole hall suddenly became quiet.

They all stare at Qin Luo.

Although they had heard of Qin Luo's "selfless" behavior long ago, they heard that he was not sincere.

And now, when the iron facts really appeared in front of them, he was still shocked.

At this moment, their hearts without exception are out of thin air a kind of moving.

And the cause of this move is not others, it is Qin Luo!


All of a sudden, a lonely applause came from the crowd. He broke through the night like lightning and reflected the whole sky bright!

After a moment of applause, more and more thunder!

"Pa pa pa pa..."

At this moment, all the people in the hall are agitating their palms

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

The applause lasted for nearly ten minutes, until Qin Luo held up his hands and slowly went down.

Once again, Qin Luo held the microphone handed by truet and said with a loud smile, "thank you for your applause. Next, we will continue..."


the black Bentley is still parked at the gate of NASA.

Lester Leigh walked slowly towards the car.

It's just that, unlike his high spirited, winning streak when he arrived, Lester Leigh was full of sombre air at the moment.

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