It's not that they don't want to say it, it's that they don't know what to say.

Qin Luo gave them a big surprise.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

Ten minutes passed in a flash.

However, none of them spoke. They all looked at Qin Luo stupidly, their eyes twinkled with fine light.

At this moment, they saw an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, which can even change the world business pattern.

Beyond the performance of A12 bionic chip by 30%, what will happen if such chip is carried on their brand mobile phone?

Empty streets?

Think of here, Ren Huafei's eyes as if there were thousands of people scrambling for mobile phones.


Big cow!

"Bang!" Ren Huafei slapped the table and stood up.

His eyes burning at Qin Luo, a word said: "Professor Qin, you want us to do what you want us to do

"What we can do, we will never refuse!"

"BAM Bang Bang..."

At the moment when Ren Huafei's voice just fell, the big bulls around him suddenly stood up.

Not only did Ren Huafei discover the business opportunities, they also found them.

This little chip is a watershed.

If anyone gets this chip, he will be able to take the lead in the competition.

On the contrary, they will be eliminated mercilessly.

This time, even if they fight for the same old face, they also want to get the technology.

"Professor Qin, please do as you please. Even if we are ruined, we are duty bound."

"Professor Qin, please tell me..."


Looking at the burning eyes of the crowd, Qin Luo's face raised a smile: "everyone, I still that sentence, now the urgent is to stabilize employment."

"So I want you to do the same."

"I have worked out a plan here. Please correct me."

As he spoke, Qin Luo waved to the students on the side, and soon the materials were distributed to everyone's hands.

The content of the scheme is very simple, restart production.

However, one difference is that Qin Luo added a condition, that is to let students of Yanda participate in it.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes

More than ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye

after a long time, Ren Huafei began to speak slowly: "Professor Qin, what price do we need to pay?"

Give up, have to give up to get.

They want to get qinluo's technology, so they have to pay something.

Ren Huafei was so big that he understood a truth, that is, the sky won't drop the pie for nothing.

What to pay?

Hearing Ren Huafei's words, Qin Luo raised a faint smile on his face. He shrugged his shoulders and said with an indifferent smile: "no need..."

"My requirement is so simple, you just need to take over the factory and the staff, that's all..."


The capital of the muddle.

Hearing Qin Luo's words, Ren Huafei was confused at that time.

It's no problem to take over the factory building. After all, it's not harmful to him. Once he gets qinluo's patented technology, it's necessary to expand the industry.

As for the manpower, that is even more no problem. These are all old hands. If you take over, you can start to work, and if you take over, you can create benefits.

To tell you the truth, Ren Huafei is quite happy.

But what's so cheap today?

Whether someone else has heard of it or not, this is the first time he has seen it.

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