"I'm measuring how much force the shear thickener can withstand?"

"Shear thickener?"

"Generally speaking, it is a non Newtonian liquid."

This moment, Qin Luo's eyes seem to have a broad road.

He took hold of the dove that had just passed away.

To be honest, as the existence of LV7, qinluo is no stranger to non Newtonian liquids.

It refers to a fluid which does not satisfy Newton's viscosity experimental law, that is, the fluid whose shear stress and shear strain rate are not linear.

Non Newtonian fluids widely exist in life, production and nature.

The vast majority of biological fluids belong to the non Newtonian fluids defined now. Many kinds of body fluids, such as blood, lymph, cystic fluid and so on, as well as the "semi fluid" like cytoplasm, belong to non Newtonian fluid.

This moment, Qin Luo suddenly realized!

"Mr. Sun, you have done me a great favor!"

Excited to look at Sun Wenbin, Qin Luo flies back to his own experimental platform.

For how to solve the problem of strength and quality, Qin Luo has been thinking for a long time, and there are not 100 or 80 ideas overturned.

However, the result is not satisfactory.

Even if Qin Luo wanted to break his head, he couldn't figure out how to neutralize the relationship between them.

However, just when he was about to despair, sun Wenbin appeared.

Non Newtonian liquid, to Qin Luo opened a window, bright ears, sunlight through the window to illuminate the whole room.

At this moment, Qin Luo's mind is full of talent, and he has 10000 kinds of possibilities to try!

Moreover, with intuition, Qin Luo believed that this time he would surely succeed.


Looking at the back of Qin Luo's leaving, sun Wenbin's mouth jerked and his face showed a puzzled expression.

To be honest, he didn't understand Qin Luo.

How can you say that? Qin Luo suddenly ran away?

What's the situation? This is?

What's more, I did a big favor. What did I do?

Why don't I know?

Yes, Qin Luo's words directly confused him.

Ask yourself, he didn't say anything just now.

Just a non Newtonian liquid.

Is it possible that non Newtonian liquids can still be played?

It shouldn't be.

Non Newtonian liquid, which has long been the rotten material of international academic circles, can there be any breakthrough?

No matter what others think, sun Wenbin thinks there is no breakthrough.

There is no way, non Newtonian liquid has appeared for many years, and there are few people who study him from the original cross river crucian carp to now.

This is not, of course, how difficult it should be to study non Newtonian liquids.

On the contrary, the properties of non Newtonian liquids are so simple that they have little research value at all.

Now, Qin Luo suddenly came up with such a strong interest in non Newtonian liquid meters, which made sun Wenbin really don't understand.

"What kind of medicine does Mr. Qin sell in this gourd?"

With doubts in his head, sun Wenbin went straight to qinluo.

And now qinluo is preparing non Newtonian liquids.

It's just the reason why qinluo is trapped in materials, and this time it's starch.

Qin Luo's idea is also very simple. The purpose of his experiment is to try whether the idea of using non Newtonian liquids to make bulletproof vests works or not.

When it comes to real manufacturing, starch will not be used.

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