On the battlefield, either you die or I live!

Therefore, Qin Luo is not worried about the breakdown of "high performance fiber". He just wants to imitate the most realistic scene!

Only in this way can we measure the bulletproof ability of high performance fiber!


Hearing Qin Luo's words, Zhou Jianjun nodded silently.

The reason why he stopped speaking was to protect Qin Luo's face.

But now, since Qin Luo feels nothing, he doesn't care.

Waving to his subordinates, Zhou Jianjun said, "let's start."

Xiao Zhang nodded, and soon tied the "Black King Kong" to the target, and then set up a sniper gun. When Zhou Jianjun gave an order, he would pull the trigger without hesitation.

"Count back three seconds..."




"Wait!" At the moment of Zhou Jianjun's "one" blurted out, Qin Luo suddenly opened his mouth and stopped him: "Zhou team, I have something to say!"

Zhou Jianjun:

Something to say?

You can't talk about it, but you have to wait until now?

Indignant wait for Qin Luo one eye, Zhou Jianjun said: "have a word to say, have fart quickly put!"

However, Qin Luo's eyes gradually deviated, and his eyes finally fell on Xiao Zhang, who was lying on the ground, setting up a sniper gun.

"Xiao Zhang, how is your sniping accuracy?" Qin Luo asked with a smile.

Sniping accuracy?

What do you mean?

Is this another test? Worried that I might miss the target? How is that possible?

Nothing else, but for his sniping level, he is very confident.

There is a saying how to say, God closed a door, will certainly open a window for you.

And the window God opened for him was: snipe!

Hearing Qin Luo's words, Xiao Zhang was stunned, and then a brilliant smile appeared on his face: "Professor Qin told you so. You told me to put my eyelids on, I would never have them under my eyelids."

Qin Luo shakes his head. It's not about the eyelids.

His requirements are much higher than the upper and lower eyelids!

"Can you do two shots and one hole?" Qin Luo asked.

Two bullets and one hole!

Hearing Qin Luo's words, everyone including Zhou Jianjun was stunned.

They have a premonition that Qin Luo wants to play.

"Qin Luo, what do you mean?"

"I want two bullets to go into the same hole! To test the strength of "Black King Kong." Qin Luo said seriously.

Well, the foreboding came true. Qin Luo really played big games.

For a moment, Zhou Jianjun felt speechless.

He thought of Qin Luo's courage, but he didn't think Qin Luo would be so bold.

Brother, that's Barrett!

One of the most powerful sniper guns in the world, it can break the steel plate after 13mm!

Moreover, the power of the two bullets is superimposed on everything, and the penetration power is multiplied. Whether this guy "Black King Kong" can withstand it, he is really not sure.

To be honest, Zhou Jianjun did not intend to persuade Qin Luo to come.

However, when Qin Luo's theory of "two bombs and one hole" appeared, Zhou Jianjun felt that he should say something.

"Qinluo, I can tell you in charge that the solid bulletproof materials can't block Barrett's shooting, and it's two bullets and one hole!" Zhou Jianjun said seriously.

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