On the other side, Marco's face was livid when he heard Deborah's words!

As he thought, Auguste did meet cook.

And what they're talking about is really about their position as president of NASA.

Auguste is prepared to trade $1 billion for the position of NASA chairman.

Cook didn't agree, but he didn't refuse

Don't agree or refuse!

Marco has already guessed about cook's idea!

Cook wanted to sell.

And his product is the position of NASA chairman!


Ha ha

Ha ha

At the thought of it, Marco wanted to beat cook so hard that he didn't even know his mother!

How dare this guy say that he didn't meet Augustus? He's a liar!

"Yes, I see. Thank you, Deborah, this time."

"What's the thank-you for that. Everyone is a grasshopper on a rope. You can rest assured that if there is anything, I will not inform you in the first time."

"Well Thank you... "


Hang up the phone, malcolt's iron face, and suddenly a large section of gloomy!

He had a lot of faith in Deborah.

It's not just that Deborah has been his friend for many years.

There is a more important reason.

Deborah had provided him with complete accuracy.

He said that Auguste went back to meet cook at the aviation administration, and he did meet Auguste at the gate of the aviation administration.

So this time, Deborah has no reason to cheat him!

One billion dollars, buy his place.

Ha ha

Even Marco had to sigh that Augustus was such a great writer.

Of course, it can be said that Augustus was really in a hurry.

He was eager to get rid of himself and force Qin Luo to fulfill his promise.

But will Qin Luo keep his promise?

Although according to the current situation, Qin Luo will.

But Marco still has some doubts in his heart!

Qin Luo is not a good person!

He will change his mind at any time

If Qin Luo changes his mind, it will be fun

Wait, what am I thinking?

This is not the time to think about it. The most important thing now is to find a way to solve the current crisis

Shaking his head, Marco put the things about qinluo behind his mind, thinking quickly about the strategy to break the situation.

Now cook has not been moved, just holding on to the idea of selling.

If Auguste suddenly adds weight. It's hard to guarantee that cook won't be moved!

What to do?

Marco got up and went to the window.

Looking at the busy researchers in the laboratory, Marco's eyes suddenly swept a fine awn.


If the whole NASA is on his side, even if cook wants to give up, he has to worry about the whole NASA!

Yes, that's it!

Thinking of this, Marco picked up the phone on his desk and dialed out: "SANA, help me inform the heads of NASA departments that an emergency meeting will be held in half an hour."

"Content? It's about NASA's life and death! "

"I understand..."

At the other end of the phone, there was a beautiful female voice, and then hung up

Soon, a notice of the meeting was circulated throughout NASA.

The head of each department attended the emergency meeting.

It's about NASA's life and death.

All of a sudden, the whole NASA exploded!

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