
Dead silence!

At Marco's words, Thomas was stunned.

Originally, he always thought that it was Marco's own idea to transform NASA into a commercial research institution.

But now after Marco said this, he suddenly found that the fact did not seem to be the case!

Marco is just a chess piece.

The real chess player is cook!

How could that be possible!

"No way! Cook doesn't have to do that! " Thomas shook his head.

"Why not?"

"Did you know that NASA costs less every year? Tens of billions! "

"Do you know how much wealth NASA can create each year?"

"No! Not at all

"Although I do not deny that NASA has been able to produce a lot of scientific research results."

"But some achievements are not of high value."

"I have invested so much money, but I have developed some totally worthless achievements!"

"Thomas, I ask you, if it were you, what would you choose?"

"Do you want to turn NASA into a business research institute, too?" Exclaimed malcoly!

Thomas: "Oh! @#¥%……”

He never thought that there was such an inside story in the matter!


After a long breath, Thomas's eyes became firm again. He looked at Marco intensely and said, "Thomas, I don't care what you say. There is one point you can't deny."

"Commercialization of NASA will shorten the life of NASA!"

"I will never allow this..."

"Ha ha, then you can stop me, if you can stop..."

"Let's see..."


Cook had arrived at Princeton just as Thomas and Marco argued fiercely.

Compared with the previous he came to Princeton without hesitation, at the moment he even hesitated!

Standing at the door of Princeton, cook is either in or out.

Go in, and he'll lose his face!

But if you don't go in, Qin Luo won't pay any attention to him.

And once you can't reconcile with Qin Luoda, the pressure on his shoulder will be very great!

After a long hesitation, cook finally stepped into the door of Princeton!

A few minutes later, under Luna's leadership, he finally met Qin Luo.

"Hello, Professor Qin. I'm cook..." Cook's face squeezed out a smile, an embarrassed face to Qin Luo stretched out his right hand.

"Hello..." Qin Luo nodded, reached out and shook cook

To tell you the truth, Qin Luo was surprised to see cook in front of him.

Originally, he thought cook would not come back. After all, the meaning of refusal in his words was quite obvious.

But who ever thought, cook is here!

This also proves that he is under great pressure now!

Auguste? Or someone else?

Ha ha

"Mr. cook, what can I do for you?" Qin Luo's mouth slightly Yang, a faint smile on his face.

"Professor Qin, I said on the phone just now that I want to talk to you about Marco." Cook said.

"What are you talking about?"

"Let me spare Marco?"

"If so, then I don't think it's necessary to talk about it."

"Mr. cook, you don't know what Marco did. If you do, I'm sure you won't come to see me..." Qin Luo shook his head and said with a smile.

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