It represents the most advanced academic level in mathematics today.

Numerous professors and scholars are proud to be published in a mathematical Yearbook.

So far, there are only a few people in China who can make it to the mathematics annual.

No one thought that Wang Xuecai's ambition was so great that he even wanted to make Qin Luo appear in the mathematical Yearbook at the end of this year.

"Now you know why I have revised the manuscript more times?" Looking at the expression on people's faces, Wang Xuecai showed a faint smile.

After hearing Wang Xuecai's words, people were speechless for a moment.

"Lao Wang, I think I'd better forget it. It's too late." Someone in the crowd said.

The mathematics year meeting is released to the world on December 31 each year.

Today, on the 27th, there are still three days to go before the 31st. Taking account of the time difference, they still have three days to go. Time is too late.

"Too late?"

Wang Xuecai laughed and said, "as long as we have one-time manuscript, it will be OK soon."

Three days is enough time for Princeton to review manuscripts. As long as the papers are submitted once, they will be able to catch the last bus of the annual!

Mathematics yearbook? One time manuscript?

Ha ha

People look at each other, look at each other speechless, that is a mathematical Yearbook, which has a one-time manuscript?

"Wang Yuan, contribute."

At the time when they were ready to persuade again, Qin Luo suddenly opened his mouth.

"Qin Luo!"

"I have confidence in myself and all of you..."

Well, the words are said on this share, people really can't find words for a while.

Besides, other people have confidence in you, don't you.

As a result, in a unanimous vote, the mail about the four color conjecture flew to the other side of the ocean through the Internet.

School of mathematics, Princeton University, USA.

It's late at night here, but the school of mathematics is still full of lights. At the end of each year, the same scene will be repeated here.

Everyone is busy, busy to revise the mathematics Yearbook.

Review room, a room prepared by Princeton University to complete the examination and approval of the annual journal.

Here, six reviewers are browsing email from all over the world.

Dreine, Henrik, farjens

Each of them is a big bull.

"Bang!" Just then, the door of the room was pushed open and two women rushed in one after another.

They pull at each other and they don't seem to get along very well.

The first person who rushed in was ophena, a junior at Princeton University, who was also an assistant to the annual review.

They would help dlinese and others filter out most of their emails, leaving only the best papers.

With a tablet in her hand, she went straight to dline: "teacher, there is a paper here. You should be interested in my country."

With that, Fiona handed the tablet to Denise.

"Oh?" Denise raised his eyebrows, put down the subject being checked in his hand, and focused his eyes on the tablet.

"Huaxia?" When he saw the place where he had come from, he picked up his brow and took the tablet to look it up.

"Four color conjecture?" Drigne's brow gradually wrinkled.

The four color conjecture can not be proved manually, which has been a dead conclusion in the whole mathematical field. However, from the present paper, it is obvious that this paper wants to prove the four color conjecture manually, and dreine's instant interest is lost.

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