Qin Luo recited the legal literature down, and word for word.

If Qin Luo had been a lawyer steeped in the law for many years, they might have understood.

However, Qin Luo is not. He has not been immersed in the law for many years. He even just came into contact with the law just two days ago.

However, in such a short period of two days, Qin Luo recorded the whole "contract law" in his mind.

This kind of fantastic things appeared in front of them.

They almost didn't get scared to death!

"Lying trough, Professor Qin really remembered the contract law?"

"Two days, just two days, Professor Qin is worth a year or even more. What kind of learning efficiency is this?"

"Genius, real genius, the most powerful genius in human history!"

"Really want to see Professor Qin's brain cut open to see what his brain looks like?"


After a brief silence, the scene suddenly exploded.

All the news media, facing Qin Luo is a burst of crazy shooting.

I can't help it. Qin Luo is too strong.

It took him only two days to memorize the contract law in his mind.

It's worth a year or more.

Genius, genius in the real sense.

The unforgettable one!

Hearing Qin Luo's reply, although Ginsberg's face is like an expression, but his heart has already set off a tremendous wave.

Once, when Higgins reminded him, he sneered at his reminding.

He admitted that Qin Luo was very good.

He acknowledged Qin Luo as a genius.

But from the bottom of his heart, he felt that Qin Luo's genius was accidental.

Whether it's mathematics, or physics, or Chemistry

There is a strong logical connection.

People who are good at math, most of the time, physical chemistry is not too bad.

Therefore, Qin Luo's genius is only limited in the field of science and engineering.

But now, all of a sudden, he found himself wrong.

And it's quite wrong.

Qin Luo not only has a strong talent in science and engineering.

His talent in the field of literature can not be underestimated.

A contract law was written in my mind in two days.

This is comparable to other people studying for half a year, a face, or even longer time.


It's terrible!

In his life, Ginsberg has never met anyone more terrible than qinluo.

At this moment, he took up his contempt of Qin Luo and re examined the weight of Qin Luo.

Qin Luo, very strong!

This trial will never be easy.

"Hoo ~"

Ginsberg took a long breath, looked at Qin Luo deeply and said, "Professor Qin, I want to say sorry to you here."

"I used to underestimate you and think your genius is just luck."

"Now, I don't see it."

"You're right. I shouldn't measure a genius with my eyes."

"Ha ha ~" Qin Luo laughed and said, "I accept your apology."

"Thank you, professor. Let's see the real chapter in court."


Nodding at qinluo, Ginsberg turned and walked toward the court.

Qinluo is a genius, which Ginsberg does not deny.

But he would not be so afraid of Qin Luo.

How about Qin Luo in the bull force?

He is Ginsberg, one of the top lawyers in the United States. The winning rate of business disputes handled by him is over 95%.

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