He waved to the staff nearby, and soon five white boards were carried to the report desk.

They prepared a lot for the whiteboard, which was intended for Qin Luo.

The result did not expect, but first step used Jon Kleinberg's body.

"Thank you." Jon Kleinberg said thank you, then looked at the crowd: "before I formally demonstrate, I want to tell you what HITS algorithm is."

"This is a new calculation mode. When users enter keywords, the algorithm calculates two values for the returned matching page, one is hub value, the other is authority value. Hub value refers to the sum of authority values of all exported links on the page. Authority value refers to the sum of all import links in the page... "

"Compared with the traditional PageRank algorithm, hits algorithm can better describe the organizational characteristics of the Internet, and the convergence speed is faster, reducing the search time..."


Jon Kleinberg simply explained the advantages of hist algorithm.

There's a lot of content, but it comes down to two sentences.

HITS algorithm is faster and takes less time.

After a brief introduction to HITS algorithm, Jon Kleinberg began to give an official report.

"I think that if query q is submitted to the retrieval system based on keyword query, and the first n web pages (such as n = 200) are taken from the set of returned result pages as the root set and recorded as s, then s satisfies the following requirements:

" 1. The number of web pages in S is less "

" 2. The web pages in s are related to query Q "

" 3. The web pages in s contain more authoritative web pages "


"By adding the web pages referenced by s and the web pages referenced by s to s, s can be expanded into a larger set T. take the hub web pages in t as the vertex set V1, and the authoritative web pages as the vertex set V2..."

"The hyperlinks from the web pages in V1 to the web pages in V2 are edge set E, forming a bipartite digraph."

"Where I operation: a (U) = ∑ H (V); O operation: H (V) = ∑ a (U). Each iteration normalizes a (U) and H (V).... "


At the beginning, people listened with relish.

But with the deepening of the argument, people's eyes began to become more and more confused.

They sort of understood.

But the people didn't have the slightest contempt, instead, the expression on their faces became more and more solemn.

Who's Jon Kleinberg?

He is a famous computer scientist in the world. Now he is a professor of Cornell College.

Can he talk nonsense?

Of course not.

Since there is no problem with Jon Kleinberg's argument, there is only one answer. The reason why they can't understand it is not because of Jon Kleinberg's nonsense, but because his knowledge is so profound that they can't understand it for a moment.

It's because they don't understand that they feel more and more that Jon Kleinberg's argument is correct.

Jon Kleinberg's report continues, and there is no limit to stopping.

"Just now I was talking about the specific algorithm of HITS algorithm."

"Next, I want to talk about the pseudo code in the algorithm..."

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