Then he would like to buy the bottom directly at a lower price.

And now, here's the chance!

Without any hesitation, Morgan Pierre took his cell phone out of his pocket and called Stanley.

"Dudududu ~"

after three blind tones, the phone was successfully connected.

"Pierre, your plan is wrong. We've lost a lot of money this time?"

Without waiting for Pierre to speak, Stanley's voice was already on the phone.

Originally, they pulled up the stock price and made a lot of money.

But now suddenly suffered huge selling pressure.

They not only lost their original profits, not to mention their principal.

This is not the most important, the most important is the interview with isgrub!

Eye king snake venom!

No serum.

Even if Qin Luo does not die, he will become a vegetable.

These words almost didn't scare him to death.

Qin Luo is finished!

A sentence came to Stanley's mind.

"It's OK. Keep sweeping." In the face of Stanley's words, Pierre didn't care at all.

He has only one idea now, that is to sweep the goods!

The more goods you scan now, the more money you will earn then.

Continue to sweep?

At Pierre's words, Stanley stood still.

What's going on?

Did he hear it right?

Now that isgrubdu has made it so clear, does Pierre have to continue to sweep the goods?

Is his brain broken or something?

For a moment, Stanley felt speechless.

"Pierre, are you crazy? There's no doubt that qinluo will die. Now we're going to clean up the goods, that's to get water!" "You've lost your plan," Stanley roared


Of course not!

He knows that Qin Luo is lying in the hospital now.

As for poisoning?

That one was made out of nothing.

Qin Luo did all this!

"Continue to sweep the goods. If anything happens, I'll take it." Morgan Pierre snapped.

"You..." Stanley really wants to say something.

But Morgan pierre did not give him a chance to speak.

"If this brings loss to the family, I will take the blame and resign."

Stanley: "and

Well, Morgan Pierre has said that. What else can he say?

Stanley opened his mouth, but in the end he was unable to speak.

With a big wave of his hand, the already well prepared super disk players began to sweep the goods crazily.

But with billions of money going on, neither of the two water cannons has been hit.

The moment was flooded by the crazy capital flow in the market.


Don't know why, Stanley heart suddenly rose a kind of don't want to premonition, this time, they may lose very miserably.

As for how miserable?

Well, the one with no underpants left

At the same time that J.P. Morgan went crazy

Acton is also directing the operators of Exxon Mobil's financial department to start a crazy sweep.

This time, he invested all of the company's capital flow.

For ExxonMobil.

This stock price crash is not a crisis. On the contrary, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If used well, their assets may even grow several times.

From the moment he knew that Qin Luo was not poisoned, Acton knew that it was a win-win business.

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