Harland's eyes were wide open and he looked at the TV screen in surprise. He never dreamed that Abraham would say such a thing. At this moment, the anger burned wantonly in Harland's chest. Finally, the volcano erupted completely... "Damn, damn, damn!"“ Abraham, you son of a bitch, will make peace with John Rockefeller! "“ How dare he betray himself! What right does he have to betray himself! "“ Damn dog, I'm going to kill you! " Harland cursed Abraham loudly. If his mind could kill him, Now Abraham had been defeated and thrown into the sea to feed the fish. But it's a pity that thought can't kill people, just like giving him a look at a chicken that can't hatch from a boiled egg. On TV, Abraham made it clear that he wanted to make up with John Rockefeller. Harland knew that now he was dead! On the road of uniting with the oil giants to deal with Qin Luo, he also lost completely, without any chance of turning over. Goodwin did not speak. His eyes were fixed on Harland. Looking at Harland's face, Goodwin couldn't help smoking. At this moment, he began to calculate again in his mind. Harland or Kalman. After a moment, his eyes became firm. At this moment, Harland is like a lost dog. He has lost all his chips. And this is totally different! He still has a chance! With a deep look at Harland, Goodwin left the room in silence“ Damn it, damn it, damn it. "“ Uncle Goodwin... "Harland kept cursing. Suddenly he turned to Goodwin. However, Goodwin has been deserted by now. "..." Pedal... Harland's body trembled wildly, and he stepped back two steps involuntarily. finished! It's over! Even Goodwin has gone. He lost his last chip“ "Putong ~" Harland's legs softened, and he fell to the ground, his face covered with ashes... Hilton Hotel... Looking at the live picture in front of the TV, Kalman's originally gloomy face showed a brilliant smile. As like as two peas Andrew Meyer said. They don't have to do anything to deal with Harland. Just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and wait for Harland to make a mistake. Although Kalman didn't want to admit it, what he had to admit was that he really acted like a fool before. But fortunately, he had a confidant, Andrew Mayer. He pulled himself back from the edge of the cliff in time“ Andrew, tell me, what reward do you want? " Kalman looked at Andrew Meyer and asked with a smile. Kalman asked himself that he was a man with clear rewards and punishments. If you make mistakes, you will be punished; if you make contributions, you will be rewarded! Andrew Meyer has made such a great contribution this time. Kalman said that he should be rewarded for everything. Reward? Hearing Kalman's words, Andrew Meyer laughed and said, "it's my honor to be able to give advice to master Kalman. I don't need any reward." No reward? Kalman eyebrows gently pick, the smile on the face is more and more rich. He likes people like Andrew Meyer who don't ask for anything in return. If you like super Xueba system, you can become a god of learning in one second( www.xinqingdou.cc )Super Xueba system becomes Xueshen in one second, and qingdou is the fastest to update.

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