"All this comes from the hand of Oman."

"He has lost his vision and control of the situation. He can't lead the Rothschild family to prosperity."

"So I don't think he has any reason to be the head of the family."

Oman did not speak, he clenched his teeth, the whole body trembled.

He wanted to refute, but he couldn't.

Because what Aerman said is true.

Under the stage, many family members also fell into silence.

Recently, they know about the Rothschild family.

Not only has its international status plummeted.

Family wealth is also shrinking.

Needless to say, today's Rothschild family has reached its lowest point in recent years.

And it was Oman who started all this.

"I can't blame it. If you want to blame it, blame Qin Luo!"

On one side, Oman clenched his teeth and squeezed such a sentence out of his teeth.

Can you blame him for this?

You can't blame it all.

Qin Luo also played an important role in this matter.

Without Qin Luo, the world-class giants such as the Rothschild family and the Dulu family would not have been hard on them.

The Rothschild family would not have fallen into the land they are now.

Blame Qin Luo?

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Oman.

There was a trace of strangeness in people's eyes.

It is true that the root of this matter really lies in Qin Luo.

However, if Oman does not provoke Qin Luo and take the lead in making trouble, will things turn out like this?


If Oman did not provoke Qin Luo, then the Rothschild family is still worthy of the world's top family.

They will not be targeted by the whole business community, nor will they lose money every month.

The reason for all this is the leadership of Oman.

Tell me, why did Oman provoke Qin Luo for no reason?

Isn't this brain disease?

"Aman, it's no wonder that Qin Luo is the one you've provoked."

"Who doesn't know that Qin Luo is a taboo in today's business world. You have to provoke Qin Luo. Isn't that a death wish?"

"That is, blame yourself if you want to..."


After a short silence, people began to attack Oman.

If Oman doesn't mention Qin Luo himself, they haven't thought of it yet.

But after he mentioned it, everyone thought of it.

The reason why the Rothschild family came to this land today is entirely because of Oman's decision-making.

It was he who led the Rothschild family to attack Qin Luo. That's why the Rothschild family became what it is now.

If we say the culprit, the culprit is Oman.


What's so special? Why is he to blame?

It was also in the interests of the Rothschild family that he attacked qinluo.

Space technology is a big cake.

The Rothschild family also has a research institute specializing in aerospace research.

Now, Qin Luo studies manned spaceflight. Isn't that robbing them of their jobs?

That's why he made trouble with Qin Luo.

Aman remembered at the time that he had consulted the whole family.

However, I never thought that it would take long for someone to turn away from me.


Aman is getting pissed off.



Oman's mouth is full of thick gas, and his pupils are full of fierce light.

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