Who knows how much humiliation he received in order to raise $80 billion for qinluo.

He sold his assets everywhere and owed a lot of foreign debt.

Why did he do that?

Not to get the exclusive license of qinluo.

But now?

Qin Luote's mother directly signed a letter of understanding for the three people at the same time.

He almost pulled the three back to the same starting line by force of one person.

Then why did he pay so much?

"Damn it ~ damn it ~ damn it, Qin Luo, this damn guy!"

Holler yelled in his heart.

If the curse can kill, Qin Luo has been killed 800 times by him at this moment.

Holler cursed in his heart, and Oman cursed qinluo in his heart.

Although, Oman had guessed when he learned that Arman returned to the family ahead of time.

But guess is guess.

At that time, Oman still had a little hope in his heart.

He hoped that Arman would return to his family early because he gave up.

But now, all the fantasies have failed!

Not only did Aerman get the letter of understanding signed by Qin Luo.

His other opponent, Rothschild holler, also got Qin Luo's letter of understanding.

Now, Aerman, he and Rothschild holler have been pulled back to the same starting line again.

However, this is not a good thing for Oman.

Aerman now has the support of Merlin, will, bilvik and others, and he is only Mitchell.

There is no doubt that he is in a weak position in the election.

This time, Oman was really flustered.

Oman has not panicked since the Rothschild family elected its owner.

He felt that with his inside information, he could still sit in the position of head of the Rothschild family.

But at this moment, Oman is really flustered.

He suddenly found that the position of the Rothschild family was getting farther and farther away from him.

"Oman, holler, have you got the letter of understanding signed by Professor Qin?"

At this time, Merlin, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth.

Aerman got the letter of understanding, which is Aerman's advantage.

Relying on this advantage, they can win

"Of course!"

Oman clenched his teeth and nodded to Yelena beside him. Without saying a word, the latter quickly took out the letter of understanding from his pocket.

No matter how bad the situation is, Oman still plans to fight!

At least, fight, there's still a chance.

If there is no dispute, there will be no chance at all.

At the same time, holler also took out the letter of understanding from his pocket

Aman and holler both took out the letter of understanding!

Merlin's eyelids jumped violently.

For a moment, he felt speechless.

Originally, he thought that Qin Luo's letter of understanding was the killing move.

But who ever thought that now Oman, holler and Aerman have taken out the letter of understanding.

Tell me, what the hell is this!

Now, the three have been pulled back to the same starting line.

Of course, Merlin is not the only one who is surprised.

And the audience waiting to eat melons

What's going on? What's this?

Isn't there only one letter of understanding?

Why did you suddenly get three copies?

The little friends are confused, okay.

"Woge, what's going on? Three copies of the letter of understanding jumped out all at once. "

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