"Pierre, according to you, the internal strife of the Rothschild family does not seem to be over?"

John Rockefeller's eyes were half narrowed and his pupils overflowed.

"Old John, you and I have not experienced turbulence. Do you think it is so easy to calm down a civil strife sweeping the whole family?"

Said Morgan Pierre with a faint smile.

This is not an ordinary elector.

It was a civil strife that swept through the Rothschild family.

If we want to calm down this civil strife, we can't do it overnight.

Will Oman be reconciled to losing the position of the head of the Rothschild family?

Will Rothschild holler be happy?


They will definitely do something. At this time, it makes sense for Aerman to send someone to monitor Mitchell.

"Sorry, Pierre, I really haven't experienced it."

John Rockefeller said faintly, "since the founding of our Rockefeller family, there has been no civil strife."


Morgan Pierre's mouth twitched slightly and his expression was silent.

But when you think about it, it seems so.

Since the founding of Rockefeller, there has been no civil strife.

Even in the antitrust investigation of the last century, the Rockefeller family's industry was forced to be divided in two.

But they were also solved through rational distribution at that time.

To put it bluntly, the Rockefeller family is an evergreen tree in business. It has not declined since the moment he was born.

From this point of view, even Morgan Pierre has to say a cow.

"Forget it, if you haven't experienced it, you haven't experienced it."

"It doesn't matter anyway."

"At present, all we need to know is that the internal strife of the Rothschild family is far from over."

"Accordingly, our opportunity is far from over!"

At this point, Morgan Pierre had a bright smile on his mouth. His eyes turned back and forth on Hank and John Rockefeller's faces and said, "hank, old John, do you think it's necessary for us to add a fire to the Rothschild family?"

Add a fire?

Hank drew and John Rockefeller are not fools.

They understood the meaning of Morgan Pierre's words.

Morgan Pierre wanted to provoke another struggle within the Rothschild family!


Why not?

Shopping malls are like battlefields

The more chaotic the Rothschild family is, the better it will be for them.

The more profitable they are.

John Rockefeller and Hank drew looked at each other with a bright smile on their faces.

They think it's feasible!

"Then add a fire!"

"If the Rothschilds don't mess up, how can we have a chance."

"The Rothschild family has been in the position of the world's largest family for too long, and it's time to move..."

"Hahaha ~"

The three looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Although the Rothschild family's reputation has indeed declined recently, its strength has also declined.

But that's not enough. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

With his residual strength, he is still the world's No. 1 giants.

Now, they're going to pull the Rothschilds off their horses.

Who doesn't want to sit in this position?

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