Because this is a good opportunity to weaken the Rothschild family.

Untie it!

All the mysteries have been solved!

It turned out that the reason Mitchell appeared here was because of this!


Jackton couldn't bear it. He's going to spread the news now.

"Big news, this is full of big news!"

"Once reported, it is bound to cause a sensation!"

"No, I'll send him out quickly."

As he spoke, Jack took out his mobile phone from his pocket and tried to edit the news and release it.


And just then, Jones suddenly spoke to stop Jack!

"Jack, you can't send it now..."


Jack doesn't know why.

At present, as long as the news is released, it is bound to cause a sensation in the whole media.

Then his name will rise again.

The value will also rise.

He didn't understand why Jones would stop him.

"Because this is just my guess."

"If you guessed right, that's all."

"If you guess wrong, once you publish it, it will be a big trouble."

"This is not the usual time."

"It was John Rockefeller who held the press conference!"

"And the participants are Hank DURU, Morgan Pierre and Mitchell!"

"These people are the top giants in business."

"Once the report is wrong, I'm afraid it will cause the dissatisfaction of these people. I'm afraid we'll all have to eat and go!"

Jones said.

If it's some small families or small businesses, they make a little speculation, and then release news to attract people's attention, it's no problem.

But at present, what is in front of them is not a small business, a small family.

But the world's top ten giants.

Once the guess is wrong, the other party will certainly settle with them.

Can they stand it?

Don't say they can't stand it.

Even the media company behind them can't stand it.

There'll be a lot of trouble then.

Instead of taking risks and seizing so little time, it's better to wait a little and release the news after the matter is determined.


Jack twitched at the corners of his mouth.

Indeed, it is quite safe to release the news after confirmation.

But it also lost its sensational effect.

The eye-catching effect will certainly be much weaker.

"Jack, there's actually a compromise."

It seemed that he hesitated to see Jack's, and Jones spoke.

"What can I do?"

"You should compile the article and publish it as soon as it is determined."

"At that time, others were still editing articles, and you could also take the lead."

Jones said with a smile.

Yes, it takes time to edit the news.

And this time is enough to ferment a news!


And this one!

In Jack's eyes, there was a happy thought: "yes, I can make up the news now and release it directly at that time!"

"Jones, you're a genius!"

With a cry of surprise, Jack quickly took out his mobile phone and began to write the news.

At this time, the press conference officially opened.

Soon John Rockefeller and Hank drew, Morgan Pierre, and Rothschild Mitchell took the floor.

"Cough ~"

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