The next day, after lunch, I had an hour's rest, and then I came back as scheduled.

Like yesterday, I entered the examination room 15 minutes in advance, prepared the answer tools, and quietly waited for the arrival of the test bell.

At 2 o'clock sharp, the second examination of the number couplets officially began.

Qin Luo had already been ready, picked up the test paper, only three questions.

But the invigilator gave three pieces of paper.

Question 1, geometry, 15 points.

The second question, algebra, 15 points.

The third problem, the calculation of pure sequence, 30 points!

A total of 60 points!

There has always been a rule in mathematics examination, that is, the higher the score, the more difficult the test.

This seemingly ordinary series problem is really the most difficult one.

Pick up the pen and solve the problem.

First question!

Well, although it's the simplest question on the test paper, it's enough to scare 99% of the examinees in the whole country.

This is a real test for genius!

On the test paper, there is a right angle trapezoid and a positive direction. There are three lines P, m and Q outside the graph. It is required to prove that PMQ is perpendicular to each other.

Trapezoid and square intersect, various lines crisscross, a total of 12 intersections.

Can you make up this beautiful picture? Think about it and feel numb.

"I don't know who made the problem. Isn't it a deliberate attempt to kill the students?" Qin Luo looked around and howled.

It is difficult, but for Qin Luo, it is still acceptable.

The first question is solved by dividing five into two.

It takes five minutes.

Then there is the second question algebra, which is not a problem for Qin Luo. After three minutes, the answer has already appeared on the paper.

The last one, worth 30 minutes!

Look around, a lot of "weak" people, Qin Luo helplessly smile, the loneliness of the master.

The next second, however, he was stunned.

This sequence, very unusual!

It is proved that when p < 2 ^ (2 ^ (n + 1)), 2 ^ (n + 2) - n-2 of MP are prime numbers.


This is the deformation of Zhou's conjecture!

I don't believe it or not, but I'm quite honest.

Qin Luo can be sure that Li Xueming is the one who produced this set of papers.

In a sense, this is a special exam for him!

Exhaled the system warehouse, took out the scroll, Qin Luo pinched it down.

At this moment, the academic palace opened a gap for Qin Luo. Zhou conjectured that theoretical knowledge was like the Yellow River bursting into qinluo.


in the monitoring room, Li Xueming is monitoring Qin Luo's every move through the camera in the examination room.

Zhou's conjecture was a question he added temporarily, and the purpose was very simple. He wanted to sharpen Qin Luo's temperament.

There is no lack of genius in China, but throughout the world, there are few Chinese scientists who can make achievements in academic circles. One of the important reasons is that they are too proud and ambitious.

Qin Luo, the most outstanding mathematical genius of this generation in Beishan City, does not want Qin Luo to go on the old road of being indifferent to others.

Li Xueming's mouth is smiling. Qin Luo's embarrassment that he can't write is already in his expectation, "silly eyes, boy, Zhou's guess is not so easy to prove."

"Chief, you are not afraid to frighten him." A middle-aged judge said with a bitter smile.

Originally, there were only two questions in the second test, and the last one was added temporarily by Li Xueming, just for Qin Luo.

"If you don't make a jade, you can become the second zhouhaizhong in Beishan city." Li Xueming said with a smile.

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