After a long time, seeing that Cameron had almost said the general situation, Rothschild holler said, "Cameron, what about the distribution of funds?"

"Since there are three areas, there is always a distribution of funds."

"Hey, hey, actually it's not a secret. It doesn't matter to tell you."

"Most of the money of other financial families is concentrated in banking."

"But our Rothschild family's financial business is different. We mainly focus on investment companies."

"This can make a lot of money!"

Cameron said proudly.

Banks can't make money.

Only investment can make money!

Making money is making money, but the risk is also the highest!

Rothschild holler's eyes narrowed slightly. At this moment, he even had a lot of shortness of breath.

Investment is risky.

Once the capital chain breaks, the consequences will be huge.

It is bound to cause heavy damage to the whole Rothschild family.

"Cameron, you're at great risk."

Said Rothschild holler in a deep voice.

"There is no risk, where is the benefit."

"Although the risk is great, it is still within the controllable range."

"Most of the projects we invest in are projects that can make no loss. As long as these projects are all right, we won't have any risks."

Cameron waved his hand and said happily, "come on, holler, let's have two drinks."

"I haven't drunk so freely for a long time!"

"Look at today, we must have a good drink."

"Come on, nothing else, cheers!"

"OK! Cheers! "

Rothschild holler's eyes were full of fine light. He smiled and picked up his glass and touched Cameron.

Today, he can count on the full harvest of listing.

As long as there are these things, it will inevitably cause heavy damage to the financial industry of the whole Rothschild family.

And this is the effect he wants!

After three rounds of wine

Rothschild holler staggered out of the villa.

This guy, two bottles of whisky, almost drank him to death.

However, the benefits are also obvious.

After drinking this wine, he has completely found out the capital distribution in Rothschild's financial field from Cameron's mouth.

Most of them focus on investment!

Just give the Rothschild family a heavy blow in this field.

Then the Rothschild family is bound to suffer a heavy blow.

At that time, the pressure on Aerman's shoulder is bound to increase sharply.

Then their chance will come.

Thinking of this, holler no longer hesitated, forced himself to cheer up and walked towards his villa.

Before long, he saw his father Blake and Raul coming towards him from a distance.

Looking at their shaking appearance, I'm sure they didn't drink less.

"Well, what's the situation?"

Rothschild holler looked confused.

He drinks for "work".

But now, Blake goes to drink without saying a word, which

Holler was unhappy.

However, when he was unhappy, holler didn't say anything.

Hurry up and hold Blake.

"Dad, I..."

Rothschild holler, just wanted to speak, but the next second, he was stopped by Blake's eyes.

Then Blake looked at Raul and said, "brother Raul, I'll see you later..."

"Brother, let's have a drink sometime next time..."


Seeing Raul off, Blake's originally confused eyes flashed a fine light, and the drunkenness on his face was swept away immediately.

"Son, what do you want to say when you enter the house?"

"Don't forget, there are many dark sons left by Aerman around us..."

Dark son?

Holler was stunned, and then turned his eyes to Raul

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