
Mitchell paused and touched his nose in embarrassment.

Indeed, if John Rockefeller had told him in advance, he would not have behaved so naturally.

Maybe he's already confessed to Blake.

"Forget it, old John, let's not talk about it."

"But next time, you have to remind me that my little heart can't stand the impact again and again."

Mitchell said.

Now he is in his eighties.

Such an impact is enough.

It would take a few more times, and Mitchell was worried that his heart could not stand it.

"Don't worry, as long as our plan goes well this time, there should be no chance in the future."

John Rockefeller said with a smile.

Lions fight rabbits with all their strength.

This time, they hit hard, which is bound to cause heavy damage to the Rothschild family.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

No chance?

Mitchell was a little stunned, then showed a sudden expression on his face, then nodded in agreement and said, "indeed, after this battle, he won't have a chance in the future."

While talking, John Rockefeller and Mitchell looked at each other with a bright smile in their eyes.


The Rothschild family

Blake and holler are still anxiously waiting for Mitchell's news.

"Jingling bell ~"

Just then, the cell phone in Blake's pocket suddenly rang.

Without any hesitation, Blake immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

The caller ID is not someone else. It's Mitchell's number.


Blake immediately pressed the answer button.

"Hey, how's Mitchell? What's going on?"

Blake asked before Mitchell could speak.

What's going on?


You may not believe it. John Rockefeller and others set up a bureau

Of course, Mitchell didn't intend to say it.

As John Rockefeller said, some people, no matter how good their acting skills are, do not have a heartfelt response to confuse people.

Therefore, Mitchell intends to hide Blake's inquiry.

He wants Blake to move and further confuse Aerman's eyes.

"Blake, I asked John Rockefeller and others."

"They changed the plan without authorization."

Mitchell said.


At this moment, even though Blake was well-informed and experienced countless storms, he couldn't help shouting.

He never expected that Mitchell would come out like this.

Change the plan without authorization!

This is a big taboo!

Now it's going to be close combat, but John Rockefeller and others are changing their strategies.

Aren't they talking nonsense?

Think this is family?

Can it be changed at any time?


Blake had a cold smile on his face.

"Mitchell, play by yourself. I won't accompany you!"

The more he thought, the more angry he became. Blake hung up without saying a word.

Originally, they agreed to attack Aerman hard in the financial field.

But what happened?

It was going to war, but John Rockefeller suddenly changed his mind.

The target is manufacturing.


What do you mean by that?

What does that still mean? Tease him, don't you?

Indeed, Blake admits that focusing on manufacturing will improve the likelihood of success.

But the key problem is that he is not in charge of manufacturing!

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