John Rockefeller and others first deliberately leaked information to Lawes to disturb his sight, and then deliberately acted for them to spend a lot of money to repay the debt of red shield real estate.

In the end, John Rockefeller and others dealt a heavy blow to the Rothschild family in the financial field!


If only from the strategic point of view, they failed completely.


Rothschild family manor, villa area

Blake and Rothschild holler were shocked when they learned that the Rothschild family's financial field had been hit hard.

Wait, this script doesn't seem right.

Didn't you agree to attack the Rothschild family from industry?

But why did it come to the financial field again.

And why didn't they know anything about it?

Blake is confused.

At this moment, his mind is very confused. He has a feeling of being "cheated".

Of course, holler feels the same way as Blake!

Even in his dreams, he never thought that this would happen.

Holler was desperate.

He felt that they had completely returned to the qualification to challenge Aerman because of their mistakes.

Now, the situation has taken him by surprise.

At this moment, Rothschild holler saw the dawn of victory again.

"Father, what the hell is going on?"

"It's not the same as what we agreed."

Rothschild holler looked at Blake and asked blankly.

What happened?


You ask me, I want to ask you?

Blake pondered for a moment, and suddenly a light came into his mind.

A possibility suddenly occurred to him.

Mitchell, Mitchell probably didn't tell them the truth from the beginning.

Mitchell has been using them to send the wrong message to Aerman!

The more you think about it, the more likely Blake feels.

Because only this can explain why the Rothschild family's financial field will be attacked.

And, you know, from the beginning, Mitchell's goal was the financial sector.

I once helped him inquire about the distribution of funds of the Rothschild family.

As for the later change of plan, it was completely Mitchell's smoke bomb.

He decided that he would leak the information, and then deliberately gave himself false information to disturb Aerman's sight for him!

Yes, it must be.

This is the only reasonable explanation!

"Holler, maybe we were used by Mitchell from the beginning."

Blake said in a deep voice.


Rothschild holler's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was acutely aware of something.

"Father, what do you mean?"

"Mitchell, an old man, never told us the truth from the beginning!"

"His goal has always been the financial field of the Rothschild family."

"Say what industry, say what red shield real estate, are lying to us."

"He is using us to disturb Aerman's sight!"

Blake said with some dissatisfaction.

In any case, it's always unpleasant to be used.


Although Rothschild holler had guessed the answer in his mind, Rothschild holler was surprised when Blake said it!

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