"Wait, you mean Aerman asked you to be cage's assistant?"

In the middle of the conversation, Blake's eyes narrowed.

What did he hear?

Aerman asked Rauls to be cage's assistant.

And now neither cage nor Aerman knows that Lawes has defected.

Blake's keen insight into the opportunity.

Once Rauls was successfully inserted, he was like a nail, hard into Aerman's hinterland!

He can get countless first-hand information from Aerman.

Then tell him all the information and pass it on to him.

And this information will become a chip in Blake's hand.

It will allow him to take the lead in future negotiations with Mitchell!

To tell the truth, Blake is willing to contact lawles, and he wants lawles to provide information to himself at ordinary times.

But he never thought that the role of Rauls was bigger than he thought, and much bigger.

"That's right!"

"And I'm going to report now."

Lawles said.

"Come on! Go now and don't let cage have any doubt."

"Now your most important task is to deeply embed them and win cage's trust."

"Then give me a steady stream of information."

Blake said.


Rauls looked a little ugly.

Why he came to take refuge in Blake is not just to get rid of cage.

But now?

Blake asked him to return to cage again, and tried to win cage's trust.

It's worse than killing him.

It seemed that he saw Laurel's dilemma. Blake hurriedly said, "laurel, I know you don't want to."

"But please think about it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once lost, I'm afraid it's hard to have it again."

"Here, I can give you a promise. As long as holler takes the position of the head of the Rothschild family, it will be good for you. You can choose the position of the whole Rothschild family!"

Lawers worked as cage's assistant.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Once you miss it, you don't know where the next opportunity is.

Blake didn't want lawers to miss it.

For this, he is willing to pay a huge price, including any position in the Rothschild family.

Rauls can choose whatever he wants.

Are you excited?

There is no doubt that Lawes is excited.

The Rothschild family is a huge family.

There are many positions, good and bad.

Some positions can make a lot of money, while others are Qingshui Yamen.

Why does Rauls work so hard just to get a fat job?

Now, Blake promised him, he had nothing to worry about!

"Hoo ~"

Rauls was relieved to hear Blake's words. He no longer hesitated and got up and left.

"Don't worry, Mr. Blake. I'll report to you anything cage does."

"Just wait for my good news."

"OK, I'll wait for you..."

Blake waved to lawles with a bright smile on his face.

Soon, lawers went to the building.

At this time, holler, who had not spoken, also came up.

"Dad, do we really let lawers choose jobs at will?"

Asked Rothschild holler in a deep voice.

The Rothschild family has many important positions.

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