Yes, you heard right. It's childish!

John Rockefeller and Morgan Pierre are essentially businessmen.

And a good businessman.

Not only for themselves, but also for the family, they will put "interests" first.

For now.

Why did they cooperate with themselves to snipe the Rothschild family?

The reason is simple.

Because it's in their interest.

The Rothschild family is too strong, and its assets are all over all walks of life!

This has greatly hindered the development of Morgan consortium and Rockefeller family.

After all, there are only so many cakes.

The Rothschilds ate one more bite, and they ate one less.

Therefore, they want to pick the Rothschild family from the dominant position.

But if there is a situation now.

The Rothschild family hit hard and directly broke the DURU family?

Then the atmosphere will become very subtle.

You know, the DURU family is not a small family.

He is also one of the world's top giants.

He also has a large market share.

If we can eat the DURU family, it will be a great tonic for John Rockefeller or Morgan Pierre.

It can not only enhance strength, but also eliminate a competitor. Why not?

At that time, sniping the Rothschild family will become less important.

What matters is the division of the DURU family.

At that time, the whole rich alliance will collapse!



Extremely dangerous.

If one doesn't handle well, he's probably over!

"Blake, I won't tell you. I'll go to Hank DURU now..."

As he spoke, Mitchell tried to hang up.



What kind of nonsense is this? I'm going to hang up?

He hasn't finished yet.

"Mitchell, don't worry, don't worry, I have something to say!"

"Needless to say, I know the seriousness of the problem..."

"No, this matter should be solved by me!"

Originally, Blake wanted to wait until Mitchell asked questions before he said the answer.

To show his attack.

But who ever thought that Mitchell didn't play cards according to the routine at all.

He just had to hang up and find Hank DURU.

Don't even give him time to pretend.


What can he do?

He is also very helpless!

Blake ignored the detours and told the whole story directly.



What's Blake talking about?

He has solved the problem.

Under his persuasion, cage will only use half of the money to snipe the DURU family?

If, if Blake is true, the crisis is half resolved.

Of course, the premise is that Blake is telling the truth, not bragging.

"Blake, are you sure?"

To be cautious, Mitchell asked.

"Sure, very sure."

"Mitchell, do you think I'm still in the mood to lie about such things?"

Blake murmured.

When is it now? Mitchell still questions him.

Is he in the mood to lie about such things?


Who knows.

But after hearing Blake's words, Mitchell was indeed relieved.

If only half the time, the DURU family could stop it, he could lobby John Rockefeller and Morgan Pierre to help.

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