”Whew ~ "Caitlin gave a long sigh of relief when he heard this, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

Among all the bad news, he finally heard a good one.

"Well, you go." Caitlin said.

He is both the president and the shareholder of the company, but he is not the largest shareholder.

Once the board of directors has passed a resolution to take back his position as president, it means that he has lost all his power to control Infiniti. It will be a bad news for her.

Annabel nodded and turned away from the room.

But as soon as he opened the door of the office, he was stunned.

There are several people standing at the door. They are old and young, men and women. The older ones are 6, 7 and 10 years old, and the younger ones are close to middle age.

They are the directors of infinity.

”Directors, why are you here? "Annabel said in a loud voice.

Of course, he wasn't just a greeting, but also a reminder to Caitlin.

Of course, people knew Annabel's careful thinking, but they just gave a faint smile and ignored him.

Let Caitlin know and give him time to prepare. They'd like to see what Caitlin can prepare.

”Director? "Caitlin in the room was stunned at the sound coming from the door, and then her face darkened.

What he was most worried about was that

A moment later, Caitlin gathered herself up and said, "come in. "

soon, four directors came in.

At the head was a man with gray hair.

Owen! One of the directors of Infiniti, the holding of equity, is second only to Caitlin and Davis, the largest shareholder.

Seeing him, Caitlin's eyelids picked unnaturally.

Owen, this man is obviously shrewd, in other words, he is very difficult to handle.

”Directors, what can I do for your early morning visit? "Caitlin said with a smile.

”What's the matter? Caitlin, you have the face to ask us something. Don't you know it yourself? "The first old man asked with a smile.

”What do you know? I don't know. "Caitlin said, smiling, dazed.

”Caitlin, as the president of the company, you have been looking for Qin Luo's troubles without permission. What do you want to say? "The old man scolded.

"Owen, all this is not my reason, but Qin Luo. He bullied the company first. I was just fighting back." "Everything I do is for the company's reputation and benefit," Caitlin said with a smile

"So Owen, your gun should be aimed at qinluo, not at your allies."


Hearing Caitlin's words, the old man's face bloomed with a cold smile.

He doesn't care about allies, he only cares about interests. Now, because of the sharp decline in sales of Caitlin and Infiniti, the network is full of attacks from the news media on the company.

The company's reputation has fallen to its lowest point in history.

If the dividend of the company will be reduced by half this year, if it can be expected, it will be reduced by more than half.

And it's all because of Caitlin and his unruly son.

"I don't want to know and I don't need to know the process. All I care about is the result." The old man snapped, "now you must give me an account, otherwise don't blame us for joining hands to impeach you."

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