After opening his mouth, Qin Luo finally failed to speak.

And at this moment, Qin Luo suddenly has a feeling of being rejected

Ha ha, disliked?

Think of here, Qin Luo mouth corner unnaturally smoked.

"Lao Lu, fortunately you didn't introduce your granddaughter to Qin Luo. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will die of anger..."

In the crowd, the old academicians are whispering with each other and exchanging their experience.

"Don't just talk about me, don't you? Are you going to introduce your niece to Qin Luo Lu Lin Tieqing said with a face.

Originally, he wanted to introduce his granddaughter to Qin Luo, but later he changed his mind. The reason is very simple. He still wants to live for another two years.

"Did you? Why don't I really know? " Cui pingren, from the life science division, quickly shook his head.

"Ha ha..."

As an old friend of more than ten years, what Cui pingren is thinking is clear in Lu Lin's mind.

The voice is very light, there is a sense of irony

More than ten minutes later, the press conference officially began.

The white haired Tu youyou appeared at the gate of the venue with the help of his assistant.

She was followed by her team.

Yes, it's the team. Her achievements are not only relying on one person, but also relying on a highly skilled team.

So she will not monopolize the honor alone, but will share it with the team.

In the eyes of the people, Tu youyou and his team slowly climbed onto the platform.

Tu youyou held up the microphone with both hands and nodded to the audience. A smile broke out on her kind face.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend my conference. It's my honor to Tu youyou and the entire artemisinin research team..."

"In addition, I am very grateful to the University for inviting me to hold a press conference in the auditorium of the Chinese Academy of Sciences..."

The team, the audience, the school, and tens of thousands of people who support artemisinin, Tu youyou thanks everyone.

Humility is like Artemisia annua.

After the storm, the clapping of applause became more and more intense.

After a few minutes, the applause died out.

Tu youyou said again: "just a few years ago, my team and I successfully extracted artemisinin from the traditional Chinese plant Artemisia annua."

"Over the years, we've treated tens of millions of malaria patients with it."

"But there is still an undercurrent behind the gorgeous data. In the malaria annual report the year before last, we found that malaria protozoa successfully mutated in the long-term struggle with artemisinin, and produced protozoa that can effectively resist artemisinin. The number of malaria deaths is increasing year by year."

"How to eliminate the resistance of malaria protozoa to artemisinin has become a common topic in the world."

Speaking of this, Tu youyou's voice has been raised a little bit: "today I'm calling you here to share with you some good news. After three years of research, we have found out the truth of artemisinin resistance."

"And, have found the corresponding treatment plan, one is: appropriately extend the medication time, from the original three-day treatment to five or seven days; second, in the process of artemisinin treatment, with a certain amount of auxiliary drugs, such as quinine, Artemisia and other drugs, the effect of malaria treatment will be immediate."

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