Qin Luo knew that John's energy was great, but he didn't expect that John's energy could be so high that even the famous European Research Institute Cray suddenly stepped in. To be honest, this is something qinluo never thought of.

Once again, Qin Luo had a more profound understanding of this sentence.

"Qin Luo, what are you going to do?" See Qin Luo for a long time did not speak, Ou Chen asked.

"Since it is an academic matter, it should be solved by learning." "At the zmann physics prize presentation ceremony early next month, people from the Craig Institute happened to attend," Qin said with a smile

"Are you?" Ouchen's eyes twinkle with essence.

"I am determined to win the ZMAN prize in physics." Qin Luo eyebrow is frivolous, smile says.

Not only to complete the task, but also to give their own voice!

"This method is good..." Ou Chen's face was full of joy.

In academic circles, there is nothing more painful than grabbing awards.

Qin Luo won the ZMAN prize in physics, Craig Institute, I'm afraid it's hard to die!


after a brief chat with Ou Chen, Qin Luo got up to leave.

On the way back to school, Qin Luo received a call from Chen Qiangsheng.

"Qinluo, I hear you and Craig are engaged in research?" Chen Qiang Sheng's voice came from the phone.

I don't know why, Qin Luo felt a trace of excitement in Chen Qiangsheng's words.


You are so excited!

"Chen Bu, you seem very happy?" Qin Luo frowned and asked.

"Nonsense, how can I be happy? I don't know how sad I am." Chen Qiang Sheng snapped.

Qin Luo:???

No matter how he listened, he could not hear a trace of sadness from Chen's words.

But Qin Luo couldn't break it.

To be honest, Qin Luo felt that he was strong enough to become a professor of Yanda in his grade, but compared with Chen Qiangsheng

Qin Luo is still far from it

Big man, big man, can't be provoked, can't be provoked

After a long silence, Qin Luo said with a bitter smile, "Chen Bu, don't make fun of me. Just say it. What can I do for you?"

Hearing Qin Luo's words, Chen Qiangsheng no longer covered up his smile in his heart this time, and said frankly: "I heard that you are going to use thermal efficiency as a subject to compete for the zmann physics prize?"

"That's right." Qin Luo nodded.

"How far is the experiment going?"

"The thermal efficiency can be stabilized at about 75 percent."


Chen Qiangsheng's eyelids jerked and his mouth involuntarily jerked.

What was the highest record in China? 68%?

But how many days did Qin Luo take over?

It's already increased the thermal efficiency to 75%.

Although it has only increased by 7 percentage points, once large-scale production is carried out, the profits brought by these seven percentage points will be hundreds of millions.

Forced to endure the excitement in his heart, Chen Qiangsheng said without expression: "only 75% is not enough I know that some research institutes in the United States can control the thermal efficiency above 80%

"So, Chen Bu, what do you want to express?"

"Improve the thermal efficiency as soon as possible. If there is any demand, just mention it! I will be satisfied if I can. " Chen Qiang Sheng's bright voice came from the phone.

"Anything can be said?" Qin Luo raised his eyebrows and squinted.

"Of course."

"Can we solve the problem?"


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