"In the past century, physics has constantly transformed the world with its unique properties, and will continue to shape the world in the future..."

"On behalf of myself and the International Committee on physics, I would like to thank you all for your outstanding contributions to physics."

"Let's invite the nominees for this year's potzman prize in physics from Professor klop of the Craig Institute."

"Professor klop, who is an expert in topological phase transition and topological phase transition of matter, once again completed his breakthrough in topological transformation of matter this year. He is also a strong contender for the potzman prize in physics."

"Now let's welcome Professor klop with warm applause!"

Just as soon as Arthur askin's voice fell, there was a great deal of applause in the auditorium, and everyone was clapping.

In particular, John led by a group of Craig Institute of researchers, they are excited to blush!

Krop, this is a professor from their Craig Institute. He has a chance to win this potzman prize in physics!

Under the close attention of all, an old man with white hair rose slowly from his seat.

He was old and wrinkled, with gold rimmed glasses around his eyes.

He nodded to a crowd of physics bulls around him, and then slowly walked onto the platform.

"Professor klop, the stage is yours now." Arthur arkins smiles and hands the microphone into krop's hand.

"Thank you."

There was another round of applause.

When the applause died out, krop began his own performance

Not surprisingly, the title of his report is the topological phase transition of matter.

At first, the expression on people's faces was calm, but gradually, the incomprehension turned into surprise.

The concept of topological insulator was proposed by klopp innovatively, which leads the research to another new direction.

Relativity once mentioned that the velocity of time is relative. When you are bored, you will feel like a year passing by.

But when you are interested, you will have a different feeling.

Almost in the blink of an eye, half an hour has passed, and krop's report is coming to an end.

"I think the appearance of topological Street insulator will take physics to a new height..."

"My report is over, thank you..."

Klop bent slightly, bowed toward the crowd, and then walked slowly down the platform.

At this moment, there was silence.

The top bulls from all over the world are in the same place.

Topological insulator! The concept of the concept is put forward, which leads their research to a new direction.

To put it bluntly, this is a revolution in the history of physics!


"Pa Pa Pa Pa ~"

after a short silence, the scene broke out like a tsunami of applause.

All of this was applauded for krop.

This includes Weinberg, Li Zhengdao and even Qin Luo.

Qin Luo???

What the hell is he clapping?

Shalina turned her head and looked at Qin Luo with a confused face.

"Classmate Qin, it's not enough for others to applaud. What's the ghost of your applause?" Sarina asked in a puzzled way.

"I'm happy for chlop." Qin Luo didn't even think about it. He answered directly.


What's the situation? He couldn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in qinluo gourd.

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