After a little hesitation, Qin Luo pushed the door into the laboratory.

Of course, instead of choosing the semi-automatic laboratory, he chose a conventional laboratory.

The reason is very simple, the equipment inside is too advanced, Qin Luo studies little, can't play!

"Sir, if you can, please prepare me with a little cobalt oxide and a little cobalt selenide." Qinluo turned to Arthur askin and said with a smile.

Cobalt oxide and cobalt selenide?

What do you mean, why is he a little confused?

"Professor Qin, what do you mean?" Asked Arthur askin, gritting his teeth.

"I want to use Cobalt oxide and cobalt selenide as catalysts." Qin Luo tiny smile, light say.

Catalyst? Using cobalt oxide and cobalt selenide?

Worge, is this really true?

Forgive Arthur askin for reading less. He's a little dizzy now.

"Professor Qin, you should know that cobalt oxide or cobalt selenide are both toxic substances. If you are a little careless, you may be in danger of life." Arthur askin said seriously.

Yes, cobaltous oxide is OK. The most unexpected one is cobalt selenide.

It's a chemical with a poison code.

He never thought that Qin Luo would choose it.

"Don't worry, professor. Of course I know that, but I have confidence in myself." The corner of Qin Luo's mouth rises slightly, faint smile way.

Of course you have confidence in yourself, but the problem is, we don't have faith in you.

But Arthur askin couldn't say anything.

"Good luck to Professor Qin." After that, the old man turned his head and nodded to the staff.

The next second, the staff turned and left.

A few minutes later, he reappeared in front of the public again, only different from when he left. This time, he held two glass beakers with cobalt oxide and cobalt selenide in them.

He walked with great care, every step with great care.

The reason is very simple. Once the material in his hands is leaked, it will cause huge losses and even casualties.

Seeing this situation, Arthur askin quickly waved to the staff to send the materials to qinluo.

"Please be careful, professor." The staff looked at Qin Luo solemnly.

"Don't worry. If I have done such an experiment, there will be 80 even if there is no 100. There will be no problem at all." Qin Luo patted his chest, reached out to take the material from the hands of the staff, and then turned to walk into the laboratory again.

Looking at qinluo's casual appearance, Arthur askin, the head of the international physics Committee, felt a thrill.

Qin Luo's appearance is also too casual some!

Hesitated for a moment, the old man took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the phone of the epidemic prevention station.

Of course, it's not that he questions Qin Luo, but he's prepared for it. What if there's a leak?

After all this, Arthur askin's eyes returned to the people's body: "cough, Professor Qin is about to start, everyone pay attention to watch."


I don't know why, at this moment, they are a little bit upset.

"Don't worry, I've already informed the relevant units, and soon they will send someone to deal with emergencies." As if sensing the uneasiness of the crowd, Arthur askin said, soothingly.

Relevant departments should deal with emergencies.

At this moment, people's legs trembled, and they wanted to run.

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