After a little hesitation, Chen Qiangsheng quickly followed.

The denaturation of "nucleus" can be divided into two types: nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.

Nuclear fusion is a form of nuclear reaction in which atoms of small mass, such as deuterium and tritium, polymerize with each other at high temperature and high pressure to produce neutrons and helium-4, which is accompanied by huge energy release.

The mass energy equation E = MC ^ 2 is the release of energy due to the change of the static mass of the nucleus.

Nuclear fission is a phenomenon of continuous luminescence and heating from heavy nucleus to light nucleus.

Compared with nuclear fission, the radioactive pollution of nuclear fusion and other environmental problems are much less. The fusion reaction of deuterium and tritium can be directly obtained from seawater, and the source is almost inexhaustible, so it is an ideal way to obtain energy.

From the moment of the discovery of nuclear fusion, the research on nuclear fusion has never stopped. Until now, there are still countless scientists, scholars and researchers working day and night to achieve controllable nuclear fusion.

But even so, the research on nuclear fusion is still very slow. Until now, no one has put forward a feasible plan to control nuclear fusion and make it a new energy source for the benefit of the world.

Under the leadership of Wei Suifeng, Qin Luo finally came to the depth of the Research Institute.

There is a large group of hard-working researchers in protective clothing.

They are holding a variety of beakers, test tubes, shuttle back and forth in the experiment.

On the experimental platform, an electrolytic apparatus is running.

Electrolysis instrument? Qin Luo is no stranger.

"What is this doing?" Qin Luo asked curiously.

To be honest, although he has heard the word "nuclear" many times, it is the first time for Qin Luo to come into contact with "nuclear".

"Deuterium and tritium, raw materials for nuclear fusion." "Seawater is rich in deuterium and tritium," Wei said

Deuterium and tritium oxide is heavy water, the content of this material in seawater is very small, but it has a special property, that is, it can not be electrolyzed!

People often make use of this property to electrolyze a large amount of water. The seawater that can't be electrolyzed is heavy water! Deuterium and tritium!

Hearing Wei Suifeng's words, Qin luoruo nodded his head.

"To what extent have we made progress in nuclear fusion research?"

Speaking of the progress, Wei Suifeng raised his eyebrows slightly and said with some pride: "just three months ago, we have made a new breakthrough. In the experimental equipment, the heating power has reached 6 MW level, and the electron temperature in the plasma center has reached 50 million degrees."

"It's the highest achievement in the world."

Yes, although there are countless countries and research institutes in the world to study nuclear fusion, the achievements of Yanjing Nuclear Research Institute are still remarkable.

6 megawatts, 5000 degrees.

Under such circumstances, the completion of the experiment is also a leading achievement in China and even in the whole world.

"What are we going to do next?"

"Oh, I don't know..." Wei Suifeng shook his head helplessly.

Don't know? What is this?

"Why? Do you have any problems? " Qin Luo quickly asked.

Wei Suifeng wryly smiles and shakes his head, saying: "originally our plan was to launch an impact on 10 megawatts and 100 million degrees of high temperature, but today's equipment can't support such a high temperature."

This is the biggest problem in front of the Institute!

Their equipment is not enough to support the next step of the experiment!

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