"Lake Baikal is the world's largest freshwater lake, with more than two-thirds of the world's freshwater resources."

"Host: I used to think that the world's largest freshwater resource reservoir should be in the Amazon jungle, until I recently checked the information on the farm."

Ye Feng did not have any emotional fluctuations because of being on the homepage.

Instead, he continued to drive calmly while explaining some of the conditions of Lake Baikal to his phone.

"Lake Baikal is shaped like a strip running from northeast to southwest, with a length of more than 600 kilometers and a maximum width of more than 30 kilometers."

"It is much larger than Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in our country!"

"Moreover, Lake Baikal’s water resources have a characteristic: they are very clean!"

"The water quality is the best in the world!"

"Let me share another piece of news with you. A team in our country wants to open a mineral water factory near Lake Baikal."

"Unfortunately, the local people strongly opposed it!"

"What is the reason? People in China would never have thought that they would drain Lake Baikal!"

Barrage: [666, China has such a large population, but they have never drained the lake!】

【This Rakshasa is too anti-intellectual. Doesn't he have nine years of compulsory education?】

【Environmental protection is a business everywhere! 】

Someone finally hit the point, and Ye Feng continued:

"Later, the mineral water factory came to a halt and all the millions of investment went down the drain!"

"So I advise everyone to consider the risks when investing in Rakshasa"

"The locals don't really welcome our Chinese investors."

"As you all know, when Chinese investors have money, they like to put it into real estate."

"It will push up housing prices, and local young people will definitely not like it!"

Barrage: [Then why did the anchor invest in a farm there?】

【The host must have a very powerful background!】

【Yes, looking at the size of the host’s farm, it must be worth at least several hundred million. He is definitely not an ordinary person!】


The Ford slowly swayed to the small dock, and Ye Feng parked the car.

He took out his phone and pointed it at the beautiful Lake Baikal.

It was magnificent and vast, with unknown water birds flying around on the lake.

Being here, it felt like being in the sea.

In fact, if you drive a boat to the center of the lake, it is really no different from being on the sea.


【Wow! So beautiful!】

【Want to swim in it!】

【It seems nice to travel here, right?】

【Stupid! You'd freeze to death if you swim in it!】

【Brother Feng, look at the yacht!】


Ye Feng saw a few people arguing about whether or not a fox would freeze to death if swimming. He smiled and explained:

"There is no need to argue, Lake Baikal is indeed very cold, and the lake is frozen for a long period every year."

"If you want to swim in it, unless you are a winter swimming freak, just do it!"

【Brother Feng, look at the yacht!】

【Brother Feng, look at the yacht! 】

The people who were watching Brother Feng look at the yacht should all be from his classmate group.

The yacht was parked at the dock and just swayed in front of the camera for a moment, and was spotted by these sharp-eyed people!

Ye Feng turned the camera and aimed it at the yacht.

"This yacht is actually nothing to look at, it's just an entry-level"

"The model is HatterasM60, 18.75 meters long and 5.53 meters wide."

After that, Ye Feng said in a relaxed tone:

"There is nothing much to introduce, it is not interesting, just watch it as it is!"


【I'm jealous!】

【Trivia: A yacht worth millions of dollars is meaningless to the anchor】

【Brother Feng is awesome!】

【Brother Feng, please take us upstairs to have a look!】


"Ha, I won't take you up there today. We'll go up there naked when we do a live broadcast at noon some other time!"

Ye Feng drove along the farm road.

He chatted with them casually. He found it quite interesting to watch the comments.

【Brother Feng, why did you go to Siberia to open a farm?】

【Siberia is so cold!】

【The temperature in the province is already minus 40 degrees Celsius in winter, so it must be minus 50 degrees Celsius in Siberia, right?】

【Brother Feng is awesome!】

【I feel like the anchor won’t stay there for long, as the cattle and sheep are frozen to death in the winter! 】

Ye Feng shook his head in front of the phone,"Everyone still knows too little about Siberia!"

"Siberia is cold, but not as cold as you might imagine."

"The lowest temperature in my place in winter is around minus 30 degrees Celsius, which is warmer than our Heihe!"

"And it is rich in resources, just like the forest we see now!"

Ye Feng parked the car on the side of the road and looked around, there was another large forest.

"70% of my farm is forest land"

"A total of 7,000 acres, mostly coniferous forest, that is, pine trees"

"Other tree species, yes, but not many"

"Now the woods within the farm are separated by a quarantine zone, otherwise we might see large carnivores like bears here!"

"Even so, there are many smaller animals such as foxes and roe deer."

"I estimate that there are hundreds of species of plants and animals in my woodland."

"There are more than a dozen species of plants and animals that can directly generate economic value."

"Apart from anything else, these trees in front of us are easily worth hundreds of millions!"

"If it is expanded to the entire Siberian region, it will be incalculable."

"Minerals, plants and animals, water conservancy, and the recent rise of Siberian tourism can all become economic points."

"I forgot to mention that the aquatic products produced by Lake Baikal every year are a huge fortune!"

Ye Feng held his phone and kept shuttling through the forest. He happened to see a squirrel holding a pine cone and chewing it. He slowly pointed the phone at the squirrel. This squirrel was not afraid of people!

【Ha, this squirrel is so cute!】

【The life of rich people is so simple and interesting!】

【This is the pastoral idyll I long for!】

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