Ye Feng was lying on the big bed chatting with Anna.

Suddenly, the system's voice rang in his mind.

【Congratulations to the owner for completing branch mission 1 of this stage】

【The rewards for this mission have been issued.]

1. 50KG of gold treasure. (Self-excavation, the location has been marked)

2. Upgrade of the certificate package (addition of gun license, fishing license, hunting license)

3. Special occupation identification

What the hell is the concept of 50 kilograms of gold?

The current price of gold is as high as 520 yuan per gram. 50 kilograms is 50,000 grams, which is 26 million yuan. Excluding the exchange fee, there is at least 25 million yuan.

With this money, Ye Feng can invest and spend freely.

This reward really lived up to his expectations!

The second item, the gun license, is also of great use to him.

In a country of fighting nation, having a gun is more in line with the national temperament, isn't it?

Moreover, citizens of Luosha Country can apply for a gun license, and they can only buy rifles, not pistols.

Well, I don't understand.

The fishing license is also a matter of urgency.

Fishing in Lake Baikal is not allowed without a fishing license, so he had never considered buying a fishing boat to fish before, but now there is no such restriction! Hunting licenses are similar to fishing licenses, and they are also protecting wild animals and maintaining ecological balance.

Private poaching will be subject to severe criminal penalties.

It is worth mentioning that even brown bears can be hunted in Luosha.

Ye Feng wondered if he could get a brown bear to raise. Wouldn't it be awesome to say that?

The third reward, he can identify special professions! What he wants to know most now is Anna's profession!

"System, bring me Anna's information!"

【[Data shows]

Name: Anna Karenina"

Age: 24

Occupation: Senior officer of the KGB, a spy organization of the Russian state (civilian)

Risk level: Low

Height: 173cm

Weight: 50kg

Hobbies: free fighting, shooting, driving (including airplanes), literature, food

Dislikes: smoking, anime, housework

Personality: independent, strong, delicate, conservative

Faith: Orthodox.

Type of boys I like: humorous, independent, loving

"Damn? KGB?!"

Ye Feng felt a chill on his neck as he read the information!

"I guessed it right! I was wondering how she could fly a plane, drive a car, and do free fighting! Aren’t these special skills necessary?"

Ye Feng immediately thought that Anna might know his system and wanted to slice him up.

【Master, I feel like you are insulting me!]

Hey? This system has emotions? I just had an idea and it popped up!

【Anna doesn't know your secret, and dating you is a normal relationship between a man and a woman , you can rest assured.]

Ye Feng let out a sigh of relief, it's OK... But if it's a normal relationship between a man and a woman, it's fine, KGB women are also women, don't they have to fall in love and get married? As long as she doesn't pose a threat to him, he can rest assured to date her. Thinking about it this way, it's a bit exciting? Hehe! He slept with a KGB foreign girl... He really likes Anna!

"System, why is there gold in Lake Baikal?"

【[Source of Gold]

After the last Tsar Nicholas II was ousted, more than 1,600 tons of gold in the Russian treasury were loyal to his commander General Kolchak, loaded onto a train and sunk into Lake Baikal, never to be seen again!

This gold is called the Tsar's Treasure!

WTF! 1,600 tons?

How much money does this cost?

The Tsar's Treasure is a very mysterious thing, one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in the world.

Every year, countless explorers come to Lake Baikal to explore, hoping to dig up the one piece buried here by the last Tsar!

This is also the biggest secret of the entire Lake Baikal!

"Why do I only have 50kg? Where is the rest of the gold?"

【The Rakshasa government has salvaged most of the】

【Only a few have sunk to the bottom of Lake Baikal and are difficult to salvage.】

【You cannot sell these gold through legal channels.

It is okay if all of them are salvaged. But it is not difficult to understand if you think about it. If there is really a Tsar's treasure, there is no reason why the official of Luosha State would not salvage it.

And the official can use various names to cover up the salvage.

It is too unrealistic for private salvage to find this thing, and it only contributes to countless legends!


Ye Qiu stood by the Lake Baikal, taking one step at a time. The location given by the system was 200 meters east of the pier. There was a small mound lying on the water.

Finally, after searching inch by inch, he saw the result. He saw a round figure emerging from the water two or three meters from the shore.

Ye Feng took off his shoes, rolled up his trouser legs and walked into the water.

"Damn! This water is too cold!"

A chill went up from the heels to the back of the head.

Ye Feng took a long time to move.

The water was not very deep. He touched the bottom of the lake a few times and found it was all gravel. He dug with his hands and touched something hard on the bottom of the lake after just a few digs.

Ye Feng cleared away all the gravel bit by bit, and a pool of gold wrapped in rotten wood was unearthed.

However, it was not realistic to take it back bit by bit, and Feng Ye did not have that much physical strength. He waved his hand and put all the gold into his space.

Ye Feng suddenly wanted to shout:

Onepiece really exists!

But it’s a bit silly to think about it, so I gave up. After getting on the shore and putting on shoes, the three silly dogs followed Ye Feng’s butt.

These days, Ye Feng feeds them all kinds of delicious food every day, such as beef, chicken, and milk from Siberian cows.

So the three silly dogs are obviously devoted to Ye Feng and follow him in and out.

Ye Feng plays with them when he has nothing to do. They are very good at catching frisbees and the like. Their IQ is indeed much higher than that of ordinary dogs. They don’t have the hopelessly stupid attitude of the legendary Husky at all.

After a few days, the dogs can already distinguish their names, and they can follow commands such as sit, lie down, and turn around.

The strict discipline that is comparable to that of police dogs amazed Vera and Chris who came from the school.

They could never imagine that the school bully who was rampant on campus could actually... So obedient.

And not annoying, as if he had changed his personality after entering the farm.

Ye Feng returned to his bedroom and took out the gold and rotten wood from the space.

The wood was almost rotten, but the exquisite patterns that once existed on it could still be vaguely seen.

He stroked the golden gold and his heart was throbbing.

This is fucking gold!

But there were some other things in the pile of gold, a dagger inlaid with unknown gems, and some Rakshasa coins.

Ye Feng picked up the dagger and found that the workmanship was extremely exquisite, and the gems were also shining, which was exciting.

He decided to use this dagger as a collection, and sell all the other gold.

However, this way of selling may require looking for the black market. It is simply a pipe dream to sell this batch of gold through legal means.

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