The next morning after breakfast, Ye Feng called Alexander over.

He wanted to practice shooting very much, and he was already scratching his head.

But he came back too late yesterday, so he gave up.

Even so, he didn't sleep well last night, and he dreamed about his heroic figure in Hong Kong all night.

"Where do we start learning how to shoot?"

"I took a walk around the farm this morning and found that we don’t have any space!"

Alexander shook his head.

"Venue? What kind of venue do you need? Can we set one up?"

Alexander nodded and began to explain his requirements for the venue.

"A qualified shooting range needs to have marking lines, targets, and shooting positions set up."

"It's like a shed full of guns, and each one is separated from the other."

"But the broad targets are not interesting, and the circular targets are boring to shoot. I suggest the boss to get some tires, wood, glass bottles, etc."

"If the boss has played shooting games on the computer, he can also imitate them and place some shelters on the top, such as a gasoline barrel."

"Doing this will make you, the boss, sink into the scene of war."

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction. Did you see it? This is called professionalism!

"So what do you need to build a shooting range? Just list them out, and I'll call the contact person to send them to us!"

A few minutes later, Alexander handed Ye Feng a list with a lot of things on it.

50 tires, 50 waste oil barrels, 5 barrels of paint,

200 various scrap metal sheets, half a truck of scrap wood, and half a truck of beer bottles.

After getting the list, Ye Feng immediately asked the system to contact the garbage recycling station outside and asked them to send them to the farm.

It seemed that there was nothing else to do today."Let's go fishing. The weather is good today, so let's relax."

Ye Feng called Uncle Peter and his wife together.

Uncle Peter had already mobilized the fishing boats and there was nothing to do today.

The rest was taken care of by his daughter Vera.

Irina brought some seasonings and a barbecue grill and built a fire, otherwise it would be too cold when they were fishing.

The farm dock is two meters wide and extends more than 20 meters into the lake. It is a very good fishing spot.

Moreover, the water quality of Lake Baikal is extremely transparent. Standing on the dock and looking down, you can see fish swimming by from time to time.

Ye Feng had caught two fish with a landing net before.

Today's fishing is just right to show off his skills. hand.

It's just fishing, luck is more important, there is nothing you can do if the fish just won't bite your bait.

Petrov and Alexander both said they were fishing masters, and the two joked and competed with each other.

Lake Baikal is approaching winter, and it will enter the snow season in another month.

The lake is sparkling, the temperature is a bit low, and it feels very solemn.

Looking into the distance, it is all vast, as if it is a sea.

From time to time, some water birds pass by on the clear lake.

Behind them is a large green pasture, with herds of cattle and sheep wandering on it.

Ye Feng's fishing is purely Buddhist , stepping on the fishing rod with his feet, not moving, with his hands close to the fire to get warmth.

The temperature of Lake Baikal at this time was only three or four degrees, and Ye Feng did not have the endurance to stretch out his hands to resist the cold.

The wind in Lake Baikal was a bit weird today. After half an hour, the three people did not catch a single fish.

Uncle Petrov and Alexander are both masters, but they did not expect that they would also capsize today.

After a while, Ye Feng simply put away the fishing rod.

He went back to the car and took out a bag of sausages.

He always has various snacks in his car, one for feeding the dog and the other for feeding himself.

Three silly The dogs were already familiar with this routine. They were playing at a distance, but when they saw Ye Feng taking out the sausages from the car, they ran to Ye Feng's feet, with their tails wagging like electric fans.

Ye Feng went to the grill himself, cut a few cuts on the sides of the sausages, put them on the grill, and started to brush them with cumin, chili, and sesame oil.

After a while, the unique aroma of the grilled sausages emanated.

The three stupid dogs stretched out their tongues and stood in front of Ye Feng's ankles, looking at Ye Feng eagerly.

Alexander and Petrov smelled the smell and glanced at the grill from time to time.

"The boss' grilled sausages smell so good! Why do they smell much better than our Siberian grilled sausages?"

Petrov asked curiously.

"That was the condiment that the boss brought himself. I don’t even know what that condiment is."

Irina watched Ye Feng grill sausages and learned from him carefully.

Ye Feng explained:

"This thing is called cumin, a mixed spice in China. It is an essential seasoning for barbecue. Barbecue without it has no soul!"

Ye Feng said, shaking a small bottle in the air.

The four of them had one each, and one each for the three dogs.

The ham sausage is so delicious that it can be eaten in a few bites.

"Boss, your grilled sausages are so delicious!"

"Yes, this one is not enough! Give me a few more!"

Alexander's eyes lit up as he ate a sausage. The sausages he had eaten before were not so delicious. He didn't expect the food from China to be so delicious.

Ye Feng laughed:

"There are so many delicious things. If you work for me, you will have plenty of opportunities to eat all kinds of delicious food in the future!"

"Irina, you get to grill this time! Let's practice!"

Irina took over Ye Feng's position, while Ye Feng was teasing the three silly dogs.

They each caught a sausage and ate it with relish, so happy.

Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and took a few photos, and posted them on WeChat Moments:

I found three silly dogs on the roadside [Funny Dog Head].

Now the comments under Ye Feng are exploding, and people commented as soon as he posted.

Wu Ya: Big brother, you are great!

Liu Yezi: You can find a Husky on the roadside?

Wang Yibo: @Liu Yezi, you are short-sighted. Aren't Huskies just local dogs that pull sleds in Luosha Country? They are only so popular in our country! Liu Yezi

: @Wang Yibo Oh, I have learned a lot, I envy the life of rich big brothers.

Ma Chaofan: Big brother, you are broadcasting live! The holidays are so boring!

Chen Cong: @马超凡 +1

Liu Ming: @马超凡 +1


It is the National Day holiday in China now, and those who haven't gone out to play are almost bored, and they all want to watch Ye Feng's live broadcast and see the peep show.

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