On the way back to the farm, Ye Feng drove a new Mercedes-Benz S600, with Anna sitting on the passenger seat, a veritable beauty in a luxury car.

Alexander was sent home by Ye Feng in a Wrangler with posters and billboards for the Kuaidian outlet.

Some of the procedures for the newly purchased Ford F150 had not been completed, so the merchant was asked to prepare it and then send it to the farm.

In short, there was a huge light bulb missing between the two of them.

On the way home, both of them were silent. Anna was very entangled at this time, because after confirming the relationship with Ye Feng, he wanted to confess his identity very much.

The problem was quite simple and not that complicated...

But I just didn't know how to start.

Could it be that I could just confess to Ye Feng: I am a beautiful KGB agent? Will he think I deceived him?

Beautiful agents are not a good image, and they always make people think of some bad things.

Anna was a little headache and hesitated repeatedly.

Ye Feng was not in a hurry, sitting on the Diaoyutai, because the system had already told him the entanglement in Anna's heart at the moment.

He only needed to take the initiative and wait for Anna to introduce himself, and just show trust.

But Anna didn't respond until the car drove out of Irkutsk!

We can't keep silent like this, right?

Ye Feng had to start a conversation:

"You never tell me what your job is, but you fly back and forth between Eastern European countries every day. Now you can get such a good license plate with just one phone call. Are you a KGB agent? And one with a strong background?"

He hit the key point directly, letting Anna unload the burden.

Sure enough, hearing Ye Feng's question, the beautiful lady relaxed in an instant and answered very calmly:

"Yes, that's right, I work for the KGB."

Ye Feng pretended to be surprised,"Ah? You are actually the KGB?"

Anna said calmly:

"Although I am a KGB officer, I am only a senior civilian responsible for technical management."

"Also, I don’t have any special background!"

"My father is a spy and my mother is a scientist. I don't have a very strong background, but I can say that I have a clean background."

"Sister, I have been a top student since I was a child."

"Relying on strength and talent to be promoted repeatedly"

"You know, I know three foreign languages, I can fly airplanes, I have a bachelor's degree in network technology and business administration, I have the skills of a special agent, and I ranked first in the KGB's internal management assessment."

"You don’t need any special background!

Anna said a lot in one breath. But she concluded:

"I didn't tell you at first because I couldn't guarantee your loyalty, but now that I'm with you, I don't need to keep it a secret, and civilian jobs don't require high confidentiality."

Anna explained her situation in detail, which was basically consistent with the information the system gave her.

Anna Karenina

Age: 24

Position: Senior KGB Civilian

Likes: Watching movies, sports, shooting, hot pot, Chinese food and barbecue buffet, red wine, boxing, flying airplanes

Dislikes: Overtime, cooking, cleaning, online games, smoking

Skills: Shooting, counter-terrorism, fighting, assassination and reconnaissance escort, business administration, administrative management, aircraft, vehicle and ship driving and network technology, espionage, translation.

Background: Descendant of KGB elites

Anna only introduced most of her skills, but did not introduce her best boxing, fighting, marksmanship, and assassination.

Ye Feng couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Does this woman still want to beat him up? Deliberately concealing her super combat power?

Ye Feng nodded:

"I know, the KGB are also human beings, they also have to fall in love! It's okay, I believe you!"

Then he pretended to be surprised and said:

"You said you know so many things, but I never realized it before!"

"I'm so sorry, hope you can understand!"

"But have you suspected me for a long time?"

Anna calmed down, and her IQ immediately went up...

Anna believed that with Ye Feng's IQ, it was impossible for him not to realize that his identity was not so perfect.

The license plate number, daily communication, and work habits were all in line with the identity of an agent. It would be strange if he didn't suspect me.

Ye Feng was about to deny it, but the system reminded him that he had better admit it, otherwise Anna would think he was deliberately concealing it, so he had to say:

"Well, I have suspected it a long time ago. In fact, when I first saw you, I suspected that you were a KGB agent!"

The beautiful lady was surprised. Why? What happened to me when we first met? You didn't show any abnormality, did you?

How did you find out when we first met?

She looked at someone very puzzled. Ye Feng smiled calmly and replied:"I just had a suspicion."

"I just built a farm and was going to Siberia, and a beautiful lady like you appeared beside me, and you were so gentle."

"I always feel that this is too unreal, you are like a beautiful dream, I am afraid that this dream will wake up."

Sure enough, women all like honesty and nice words, Anna is no exception, and the doubts in her heart immediately disappeared.

But she raised her eyebrows and asked with a sly smile:"Aren't you afraid that I am sent by the KGB to seduce you?"

This is a fatal question!

If you don't answer it well, you will definitely be beaten up!

Ye Feng shook his head and firmly denied it:

"No, I don't have any experience, but the smell of you tells me that it's definitely not that kind of"

"Moreover, from a physiological point of view——"

"You should be single for a long time like me."

The implication is that you are still an old virgin. Anna smiled very satisfied and nodded and admitted:"You are quick to react.""

Fuck! Such a blatant threat?

Ye Feng rolled his eyes in embarrassment and complained:

"If I don't react quickly, will you beat me up?"

Anna firmly denied:"No, how could it be possible? I said I wouldn't start the fight first, and I can't beat you."

"After all, I'm just a high-level clerk."

Her face was full of the expression of a good girl, but the more this expression, the more Ye Feng felt disgusted.

He looked at her helplessly with a very complicated look.

The system said that you are a master of grappling, fighting, shooting and assassination. Will I believe you?

But he still tested the edge of death:

"Sister, you really can't beat me? Then I can do whatever I want? You are not allowed to resist."

"Of course, you can do whatever you want." Anna smiled, pushed aside her long golden hair that was covering her eyes, and looked teasing, seductive and dangerous.

Most people would definitely not be sure what she meant.

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