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"Please come in!"

Ye Feng politely gestured to invite them in and led them into the villa.

The two brothers also politely greeted the people who came out of the villa one by one.

After everyone said hello, they went to the living room together.

The two brothers Meng Hetang kept praising: this decoration, this furniture, this Feng Shui, are all very good high-end configurations, showing luxury and unparalleled.

The two brothers can't stop talking about Feng Shui. It seems that they are very obsessed with Feng Shui.

Ye Feng invited the two to drink some tea first, and then have lunch.

The three of them chatted while drinking tea

"Mr. Meng, have you finished your work?"

"No, this is not the end. To be honest, we are not coming to Siberia to stock up on land this time."

Meng Hetang answered frankly:"The area near Irkutsk is very cheap, and I am also optimistic about the development of this area."

"There is an airport and a train line directly to the country. Investing in agriculture or real estate is a good option with great potential."

"Tens of thousands of yuan per acre in the suburbs, and a few thousand yuan in remote areas, it's too cheap"

"Irkutsk also has a lot of supporting facilities, including an international airport, domestic flights and train lines."

"Coupled with the tourism resources in the Lake Baikal area, it is simply blessed by nature!"

"I have to add one more agricultural resource. I think there is a lot of potential in doing agriculture here."

"It’s land with permanent ownership rights. As long as we complete the formalities, it will always be ours. This is a great temptation!"

"I think Brother Ye's farm is worth 500 to 600 million. The location by the lake is really enviable!"

Ye Feng agreed!

Habitual business flattery:"Mr. Meng's vision is very accurate and sharp. Some of his ideas coincide with mine. He is indeed worthy of being a Wenzhou native!"

"Haha, thank you for the compliment. It’s all because of luck that I’ve built up a small fortune!"

Zhang Helun interjected:

"My eldest brother had engaged in border trade in Northeast China in the 1990s, so he is very familiar with Siberia!"

Ye Feng was shocked when he heard this!

Those who could engage in border trade in the 1990s were all ruthless people, but later there were too many people who became dealers, and they only brought some black-hearted cotton down jackets into Luosha, so they became the main targets of crackdown.

However, those who withdrew early basically made a lot of money.

Not long after, Aunt Irina invited everyone to dinner. The two brothers Meng Hetang did not come empty-handed, and they were given a box of Moutai.

More than 2,000 yuan of Feitian Moutai was directly opened and poured for everyone. They ate and talked, and the atmosphere was lively.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, the two brothers Meng Hetang boasted about their previous experience in Siberia. Some strange stories.

Some people hijacked trains to wait for profiteers, and found a fortune on trains. When panning for gold in Buryatia, they had a gun pointed at their heads.

There was also a Northeastern boss who used dog skins to buy Su-27 fighter jets.

There was also a robbery by Russian soldiers.

The funniest thing was that Ye Feng heard that there were 160 tons of gold in Lake Menghegar, and gave Ye Feng a chance to fish it out.

However, since Ye Feng had just sold it, Uncle Petrov and Anna just smiled and said nothing, and didn't say anything.

Dog skins and instant noodles were exchanged for Su-27 fighter jets. This happened more than 20 years ago, and many people know about it.

Meng Kaifei's fresh memories are introduced:

"That year, I went to Manchuria with my father to sell clothes and daily necessities. At that time, foreign exchange was in chaos."

"The exchange rate changes dozens of times a day. No one dares to accept rubles to sell things. Our RMB is also unstable."

"So, it’s all barter transactions!"

"The risk is high, but the money is good."

"If you have money, you can basically buy anything. You can trade instant noodles and dog skin for fighter jets. That happened that year."

"200,000 boxes of instant noodles for one shelf"

"Tens of thousands of dog fur coats for one"

"Eighteen dogs were killed to make one dog fur coat. Dogs in the north were almost wiped out, and there was even a dog shortage."

"There was no way, our country was poor at that time!"

"Two hundred thousand boxes of instant noodles are not cheap, but they can be exchanged for the most advanced Su-27, which is definitely worth it!"

"Now, even if you give us 2 billion, we may not sell our top fighter jets!"

"Because of this thing, we can have dignity!"

"And who dares to kill a dog like that? The spit of online criticism can drown you!"

Everyone laughed loudly, but the Chinese laughed happily, while Anna and the others were a little bitter.

Ye Feng was very interested in gold panning and wanted to find an opportunity to try it.

An important reason was that he felt that the rewards of the system would mostly be funded by gold in the future, and the item rewards would become special rewards.

For example, the upgrade reward of expanding the territory tenfold.

So if the rewards of various system branch tasks are gold, then he must create a reasonable source of gold. You can't always say that you encountered such a large amount of gold treasure on the road, right?

Of course, it's okay once or twice, and the Luosha official won't say anything.

But if you do it more times and the amount becomes larger, the Luosha official will always do something.

Ye Feng thought about it carefully and decided:

"Let's buy two unmanned submersibles some other day."

Unmanned submersibles are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars and can observe, take pictures, detect, mark and salvage at a depth of hundreds of meters.

It is enough to explain the source of gold in the early stage!

As for the future, I guess I have to open a gold mine to cover it up. After the lunch, during the break, the two brothers Meng Hetang took the initiative to introduce Ye Feng to the real estate investment business. They kept urging Ye Feng to hoard land.

In fact, Ye Feng used to be disgusted with speculation and hoarding land, so he didn't intend to get involved.

And it also ruined the reputation of Chinese investors.

Real estate speculation has driven up housing prices, and the victims are all local people.

He used to be quite hopeless about housing prices. If it weren't for this time, he didn't know when he could buy a house in Hangzhou.

But these words can't be said directly, and after his upgrade reward comes, it will increase from the current 10,000 acres to 100,000 acres, an extra 90,000 acres for nothing.

It can be used to brag!

Ye Feng was talking nonsense very seriously:

"Thank you, brothers. I am considering buying all the surrounding 90,000 acres of land."

"By then, with a one-stop service in real estate, housing, tourism and infrastructure, you can make a small fortune!"

"It's just that the approval procedures are a little complicated. It will probably take at least a year or two to get it done. I'm also working on it now!"

Ye Feng pretended to be very good.

To buy another 90,000 acres of land, at least 1.27 billion or 1.8 billion yuan, Ye Feng doesn't have the money to play so big, but the system rewards you.

So, he pretended to be stress-free!

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